Friday, May 30, 2008
Washer Toss Dimensions
Kara Murat Seyh gaffar'a karsi (Turkey / Italy 1976)
Director: Natuk Baytan, Ernst Hofbauer
Starring: Cüneyt Arkin , Daniela Giordano, Pasquale Basile, Sercin Erdem, Yavuz Selekman, Hüseyin Alp, Kadir Savun, Turgut Özatay, Atilla Ergun
Mustapha, administrator of a province has the Mameluke Khan continues to refuse to pay taxes. Among his followers he has doubled the total Herrscher ernennen lassen und hat deren vollständige Untergebenheit. Der Kahn schickt seinen besten Krieger Kara Murat um Mustapha etwas auszuspähen, bevor er sein Heer in die Schlacht zieht. Doch Mustapha kontert und entführt Kara Murats Bruder und schafft es auch diesen zu einem seiner Gefolgsleute zu machen. Für Kara Murat ist die Sache nun persönlich und tatsächlich schafft er es über Mustaphas Prinzessin in sein Schloss zu kommen...
Die italienisch-türkische Co-Produktion ist in gewisser Weise schon ein Kuriosum. Regie führt neben Natuk Baytan auch Ernst Hofbauer (unter dem Pseudonym Herb Al Bauer), die Hauptrolle spielt Cüneyt Arkin und den Film darf man sich als eine Mischung aus Kung-Fu und orientalischem Abenteuerstreifen . Imagine Similar Hofbauer, two years prior to that with Karate, kisses, blonde cats. Exotic locations mixed with Kung Fu Acrobat. At that time, of course, some quality, because the Shaw Brothers Studios acted as co-producer.
Kara Murat plays in the East, with typical elements such as the mighty Kahn, an evil renegade, a beautiful princess and Ali Baba and his 40 thieves are housed in a subplot. Somewhat unusual is that Cüneyt Arkin does not play an upright, shining heroes, but rather refers to the role of the anti-hero. After the kidnapping of the brother's revenge and villains ruled ever left to die in the desert. As Hercules and Kara Murat with superhuman strength is provided, so that for him an easy opponent is wildly into the air. Arkins fighting style, however, resembles "Dünyayi Kurtaran adam" (Turkish Star Wars). Very excessive, if his character would be a bit cynical, you could put him completely in the comic corner.
time of this exaggerated comic-like elements apart, Kara Murat also works as an adventure film. The costumes and decor are very good, exciting plot set in the final scene and very explosive.
Absolutely recommended.
7 / 10
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Home Depot In Brampton Hiring
Irgendwann kamen wir auf die Idee das Allgäu mal mit dem Fahrrad zu erkunden. So würden wir wenigstens mehr sehen als immer nur zu Fuß.
Unsere erste Tour war fast eine Tagestour. Doch das problematischste war, dass wir uns einfach auf den Weg machten. Wir suchten uns irgendeine Tour auf der Karte raus und fuhren los.
Das erste Problem kam schon als wir den ersten See umrundet hatten. Wir wollten einfach in den nächsten Ort. Laut Karte gab es dort einen Weg. Allerdings über einen Berg… so dass wir leider die Fahrräder schieben mussten. Und dann hörte der Weg plötzlich auf… Dort war zwar der Wald gerodet doch es gab keine Anzeichen dafür, dass hier mal ein Weg existiert hatte. So mussten wir unsere Fahrräder irgendwie durch den Wald bringen oder erst mal den Berg hoch. Zum Glück war der nicht grad sehr hoch. Doch das letzte Stück war der Hammer. Da gings doch tatsächlich mit fast 70 % Steigung a short distance up. That would have been difficult to walk ... and then still get the bike up there ... so much fun ... But somehow we had it then made it. Now we were thus in a forest on top of this hill and had us on the other side somehow beat again down ... Well, at least we arrived safely on the grass and have found our way forward ... The was also the first one without problems . Up to this bridge. Where to go in, right should, according to planning. But there was no road. There was nothing to see ... But then we saw the sign ... and the road. A little sweet walk, which began immediately with a pitch. Na toll, so viel zu unserer Planung. Sebastian macht sich also auf um mal den Weg zu checken. Ich bleibe da und such schon mal eine neue Tour raus, die uns auch zu unserem Ziel führt. Und wie gedacht, gings da nicht für Fahrräder weiter. Also mussten wir umplanen und unsere Tour auf der Straße weiterführen. Das ging auch ganz gut und wir kamen endlich am Rottachsee an, der zweite auf unserer Reise. Dort war es zumindest wunderschön… Auch die Weiterfahrt nach Hinter´m Buch und Auf´m Buch verlief zwar unermüdlich berghoch, doch ohne weiter Zwischenfälle. Die kamen erst danach. Sebastian hatte doch wieder beschlossen einen Wanderweg für die Rückreise zu nehmen. Und der führte of things to get across a field to the next farm. And from there things started to get better and better. We had actually decided yet for a red-marked trail. So that's one that is not easily accessible. And with the bike ... First, we have found the way not even know he was very poorly marked and then I wanted to turn back now ... it was now with proper slope to serpentine through bushes below. And then the cycle with you, although you could hardly keep walking. You can see it on the next screen as "beautiful" the road was.
arrived Down It then went on a field down further to Unter'm book. And from there the road downhill ever ... so it can be driven bicycle ...
Here you can again see the entire tour down the mountain:
The mountain was way steeper than it looks.
are home, we then followed the road and arrived without further incident.
conclusion of this tour: If you open my bike up with, take the side roads rather than try it on trails. At least here in the foothills ... But it was definitely an adventure and made fun despite the circumstances. That's it worth, in any case ...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Signs Scorpio Man Interested
Tarzan korkusuz adam (Turkey 1974)
Director: Kunt Tulgar
Cast: Yavuz Selekman, Yesim Yuksel, Altan Günbay, Kudret Karadag, Gulgun Erdem, Arap Celal, Hakki Kurt, Ali Ardic
A professor travels with his daughter of one of his assistants to Africa to search for a treasure. The dangers of the jungle underestimated the troop Tarzan comes to the rescue. In the fight against crocodiles, angry natives and various forces of nature finally find Tarzan and the daughter of the professor together.
Me Tarzan, you Ayse. Another piece of Hollywood that has seen a new interpretation by the Turkish cinema. The plot is straightforward and applied to the old Tarzan movies. A handful of adventurers in Africa, various dangers, Tarzan saves the day. Seen it all before. In this case, it is to be taken even literally, as are roughly 1 / 3 of the scenes from other films. A large proportion of allegedly from Tarzan's Revenge 1938th As a rule of thumb: If any animal or something more elaborate scene to see, it is probably from another movie, especially since these scenes are also much darker than the rest of the film. As a primal scream on the other hand you have the famous Johnny Weissmuller used reputation. In fact, the film is quite pointless. All the good scenes from other films and in between we see several Turkish performers by the forest run. The scenes were cut, however, quite well in the rest of the story is in and in the end it is a further curiosity from Turkish lands.
director Kunt Tulgar turns 5 years later the Turkish Superman and played the villain in "The Deathless Devil."
5 / 10
What Happens When Low Hematocrit And Hemoglobin
Now everything has somehow gone down the drain because of the insolvency of our company, we decided to at least move in together. But that was more difficult than expected.
We had decided to remove my apartment. A new tenant was found not so difficult. But there were still the furniture. My sister wanted some back, have since it would also take off soon. So things had to return to Saxony. And there started the problem.
We had a car to get from the operation of my father. As had we take only two routes. With a rental car, we could make the car quite elsewhere. So I am sat down and calculated all the offers of well-known car rental agencies. And soon found himself as effective, which was only slightly behind the offer of my father. So we called there and made an appointment. Now, it proceeded to evacuate all together and dismantle.
moving date was Friday. We were ready and went with the bike on the way to get the van. It was quite a long way since the rental was out of town. Unfortunately it started raining then too. First only slightly. Finally we reached our destination and asked for our car. "Yes, there is only one problem. The car had an accident yesterday and is unfortunately not available. We have since, however, another there. "Well, great. The other car was unfortunately just too small ... madness ... it was not even a phone call earlier that the transporter is not there. And the "nice" woman could not or would not help us. I was totally crazy ... but all that could not be had ... We stayed so no choice other than to grab our bikes and ride back. To our great luck, it now began to pour and still feel right. We were in two minutes, completely wet and the weather made no effort to want to stop. On the way back we rattled then all Car Rentals from five other ... only no one had a van in stock. The next one would only have been available again on Tuesday.
I was completely finished. What could we do. At my home had only packed boxes. It was cleared everything. We could not wait until Tuesday. We discussed back and forth, researched the internet to make what could be. We thought even if we take the small but should not. We called again on there, could measure the car ... but he was too small.
Then we decided to call my father and take the truck out of operation. But as fate would have it, this was now also rents further. Auch der war erst wieder am Dienstag verfügbar… Mir schwanden langsam die Hoffnungen. Was wir noch machen konnten, war beim Kundenservice dieses Autovermieters anzurufen und uns zu beschweren. Diese konnten uns doch sicher sagen, wann wieder ein Transporter zur Verfügung steht oder wo die nächste Vermietung hier in der Nähe ist. Wir wollten irgendwie nicht noch länger warten, wir wollten das eigentlich heute abschließen. Doch das Schicksal war komplett gegen uns. Die Frau vom Servicecenter konnte uns auch nicht grad weiter helfen. Also recherchierten wir im Internet, wo denn noch Verleihe dieser Autovermietung in der Nähe sind und telefonierten alle ab. Überall gab es nur schlechte Nachrichten… außer bei einer. Da war noch a small transport available. However, until tomorrow. We could also measure this car back and forth and wondered whether the irrepressible, everything is there in it. We finally had some boxes and a 1.40 m wide wooden slats. We all agreed that it should fit. We called there for at least three times in order to clarify the conditions. Finally, we could not help it that our vehicle was not available. Eventually we got a fixed price on a specified written mileage. That was not much more expensive than the old price. Finally we got the nice gentleman even to the point that we could get the car today, but the lease ran until morning. Finally, yes we had to bring it in 60km away Lindau. There we had to get there for the first time. Meanwhile it was pretty late. The next train was in 30min. We had to quickly look at Google for directions, where is the car rental. Finally, we only had 15 minutes ... After all, we needed to come almost to a bicycle to the station. And to our great luck, we came back again in a downpour. This time, correctly and without break, all the way to the station. We were completely wet ... And how should it be different at all ATMs were queues of people. So in quickly on the switch, and queue jumping to get a ticket. Then the train running ... Finally done ... complete durchnässt ließen wir uns auf die Sitze fallen. Irgendwann zwischendrin stellten wir dann fest, dass wir in einen 1.Klasse-Abteil saßen… Zum Glück kam da kein Schaffner. In Lindau angekommen, schien dann erst mal die Sonne. Die Autovermietung fanden wir auch schnell. Nur leider war der Vermieter grad unterwegs, so dass wir schon wieder warten mussten.
Allerdings sah das Auto groß genug aus… hofften wir zumindest…
Wir bekamen den Transporter zu den vereinbarten Konditionen und fuhren endlich davon… Unterwegs beschlossen wir dann doch noch mal alles zu prüfen… bei den Mietbedingungen was just a hook to be there ... But it was all right. So we could then start the next day so the move.
morning again so get out early. The old things all brought to the recycling center and then pack up the car. This lasted for the size of the van then unfortunately 4 hours, because everything had to be packaged with system. But ultimately, we all get on.
The trip was great and then we arrived safely in Saxony and have things delivered.
The car we had to give back in Dresden. We were a bit late ... because the "nice" car rental company said in Lindau, on Sunday but no one works. But as someone was there ... We put ourselves an excuse deal and gave the car. The owner was bit skeptical and said he would look into the matter. We believe our bad luck we go again ... This can not all be true. We wanted to finally not have to pay a second day of rental. But until now he has not reported yet and perhaps is still all good ...
Finally we made us a beautiful day in Dresden and had this move finally behind us ....