Wednesday, January 21, 2009

67 Chevelle Ss Sale Wis

Ein romantisches Silvester

…auf einem einsamen Berg, wir ganz allein mit unseren paar Raketen und einer Flasche Sekt. So hatten wir uns das vorgestellt und auch geplant.
Wir bekamen einen Tipp von Sebastians Vater, eine kleine Kirche etwas erhöht above the city on the outskirts of the city. There could be nice to see the fireworks and it should come up only a few people. Otherwise we should have some peace.
We participated in the note and went on 31.12.08, the clock approached midnight, to this mountain. A little below the church was a bench where we wanted to make ourselves comfortable. As we went up, some people went with us. On the bank were also quite a few. As we looked down, people came from all streets, people everywhere who ran in the direction of this mountain. Fortunately for us all gathered up at the church, but our room was always full. We are seeking a quiet corner and a spot on the mountainous Stück wo wir unsere Flasche für die Raketen platzieren konnten. Das Feuerwerk was dann auf der Brücke unten in der Stadt losging war wunderschön, die Knallraketen die von unten alle in unsere Richtung flogen nicht…
Ja, unser Plan ging nicht wirklich auf, es waren wohl tausendmal mehr Leute da als wir wollten… aber es war ein wunderschönes Feuerwerk und mit den Glocken der großen Kirche noch schöner… Wir waren zwar nicht allein aber trotzdem war es total schön, das Feuerwerk über der ganzen Stadt anzuschauen…

Auch wenn es etwas spät ist, wünsch ich allen noch ein erfolgreiches und gesundes Jahr 2009!!

How To Treat A Brazilian

Ein Urlaub und eine Bänderzerrung

Finally here's something to read over the holidays. We were finally breathe again after Christmas mountain air. Sebastian's parents first visit and relax for a few days in Bad Tolz. We had real good luck. Super apartment, finally beautiful weather, the sun has always shone. And we were finally able to walk again and climb mountains. But after the first walk, everything looked different. We came down by a beautiful snow-covered mountain. The road ran fairly long downhill ... and eventually began to hop Sebastian .... And broke his foot against a stone around ... At first it went, we came down and at least up to the station. But then, considerable pain, he could hardly stand, and arrived in Bad Tolz, he could go any more. He has supported all the way home to me and I'm almost broke together. I had already written off the holiday, and on the first day ... but Sebastian did not want to give up ... I did.

The next day there was indeed little better, but still we went to the orthopedist, you never know. It was time to turn and back on crutches again ... at least he took it in his hand. He had received a firm bandage, bandages and ointments, all that remains of the holiday still beautiful. And with the association he could even walk again. We went this day only one lap around the city. The next day we made
a quiet walk without a lot of pitches. However, it did it with his foot bandage a lot better. The crutches do not even have bulged. And finally we are back up higher mountains and most confused way. This was despite the terrible news at the beginning of a wonderful vacation ... finally, a few impressions ....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How To Add Tilt To A Lax Helmet

Berlin leidet...

... below minus 20 degrees. And we are suffering under 14 degrees ... at our home in the apartment. Yes, unfortunately, since our Christmas holiday no longer rely on the heating. Since probably 5 craftsmen were there. Since Saturday she was running again. But now I'm already back at 14 degrees as wrapped up in my blanket and wait again for the craftsmen. I hope that this time it will be a success, I hope we finally have a warm home in the evening when we kommmen home. But unfortunately I'm still cold. And unfortunately, the craftsmen already two hours late ....