Friday, July 16, 2010

Quadriderm Crema Anti Fungal

Stehenbleiber und diejenigen, die einfach nicht anhalten können

In S-Bahnhöfen trifft man auf alle möglichen Arten von Menschen. Besonders schlimm sind aber die Stehenbleiber…

Da gibt es zum Beispiel Menschen, die genau nach der letzten Stufe der Treppe stehenbleiben und überlegen müssen, ob sie nun nach links, but right or continue straight ahead. During that runs directly behind the bewildered fellow emergency braking load shaken and must twice, since the current behind him, people were busy with other things and the disoriented man in front of one, and then inserted emergency perfectly caused overlooked and a collision ...

Even worse are inevitable but these travelers with their rolling suitcases. Already have to stay on top of the stairs to push the handle in her suitcase and to impede the ongoing people already behind them the first time. But then, at the end of the stairs, she abruptly left immediately after the final step, um den Griff aus ihrem überschweren Minikoffer wieder rauszuziehen. Während die Person dahinter wieder eine Notbremsung einlegen muss und somit wieder ohne Schuld von hinten bedrängt wird. Während die Person mit dem Koffer jetzt eine wahnsinnige Drehung macht um mit ihrem Koffer wieder auf ihren eigentlichen Weg zu gelangen, und damit gleich mal alle Menschen umrempelt, die verzweifelt versucht hatten, ihr auszuweichen…

Oder nehmen wir diese Türkin, die mit ihrem Kinderwagen-Buggie in die relativ leere S-Bahn kommt, im Eingangsbereich ein paar Mal hin und her fährt um den besten Stehplatz zu finden, dabei der Hälfte der dort schon stehenden Menschen über die Füße fährt und währenddessen noch lautstark with her friend talking - of course in Turkish - that has already found a seat. Then comes the idea of having to push with their Buggie by the rows of seats to stand with your girlfriend. This idea but a short time later rejects and pushes back into the entrance area, where she met the rest of people she has caught not only riding them still on their feet ...

And do not forget our four legged friends who are with their mistress on the go. They also have to waddle up the stairs. Only the dog has completely different interests and stretches every second, coming toward him, his nose against. And so for a half a second and comes to a halt so that the people staying behind for one second and the third step in each paw. It must annoy him but saying that he and this character did not get you anywhere. But the dog has before us: He is simply not care.

And then there are the quite different. Those who have it always in a hurry. The much this small upstairs do on it but did not go forward because the front is a four-legged friend or there is simply a bottleneck. Those who fight their schubsend and jostling up, although she would have gone with the flow, move faster and with less trouble came. The same, then the hasten the stations, on the phone with the ear. And suddenly pull in front of a sharp curve, because they have something important has occurred, and force a turn to a screeching halt. While hurrying stumbles in the next moment of a roller suitcase that just has again started at the end of the stairs, to move ...

It's just too funny to get upset about this ...