Friday, April 18, 2008

Baby Mittens With Boxing Glove On Them


Vur (Turkey 1972)
Director: Tunç Basaran
Starring: Kadir Inanir, Seyyal Taner, Tunç Oral, Perihan Savas

evil villains kidnap the innocent daughter of a wealthy landowner. This is of course pretty pissed off and deployed two bounty hunters to bring back his daughter. The hiding the culprit is quickly found and our two heroes make short work with them. As a further problem is the arduous return journey proved through the desert, in the lurking next bandits also Indians ... (no guarantee whether it would all really happened, as I piece together to me due to lack of language skills.)

The popular Influences of the spaghetti western ranged even Turkey. In the 70s there were shot in the style of spaghetti western, one of which is Vur. Directed by Tunç Basaran, that already the first Tarkanfilm and the Turkish Version of the Wizard of Oz was filmed. What begins as a standard Spaghetti Western is always turned off in the course and culminates in a surreal finale. There we have as our two heroes, two real bounty hunter. His hat down on his face, his hand fast on the Colt and in search of a kidnapped girl. This is the mercy of the evil bandits on the farm. First, it is interesting turns up as a cowgirl, which is a kind of love-hate has become one of the bounty hunters. A sort of running gag that runs throughout the film and probably the Bad and the Ugly is removed. Alternately, the two tie to trees or steal the clothes, while the other is always in the bath. The abducted Girl is saved, the wicked swallow blue beans. This is the date on which the movie is always strange. In addition to a kind of love story by another bounty hunter with the girl some offenders back to my body. In addition to bandits who try to rape the girl, also appear to some as Indians disguised Turks. The wigs are identifiable as such, the clothing is inappropriate (I somehow doubt that Indians are said to have borne a kind of jagged crown) and the face paint looks a bit half-heartedly. However, these Indians abduct the two girls, but instead of a cozy rape followed by scalping of the girls prefer the Semirothäute lieber eine Prügelei untereinander, wobei eine der Perücken dran glauben muss. Wirklich seltsam wird es erst als sie beschließen mitten in der Wüste um die beiden Mädels zu tanzen. Aber dann tauchen die beiden Kopfgeldjäger auf, töten die Indianer und die Reise durch die Wüste geht weiter. Wer glaubt noch bizarrer wird es nicht, hat sich schwer getäuscht. Banditen entführen das Cowgirl, die vergewaltigt, gefoltert und ermordet wird (nichts davon ist wirklich explizit zu sehen, alles wird nur angedeutet). Die restlichen Drei eilen zu Hilfe, allerlei Bösewichter tauchen auf, darunter auch der Anführer der Entführerbande, der gleich wieder ins Gras beißt. Die dann folgenden Bilder spotten any form of logical thought. It may well be that the end was hard to find and it has cobbled together more or less anything, because as the movie ends you probably really only guess. If this was really thought so, I'm impressed really hard.
Musically one can guess from which movie the music was just stolen by Morricone, only the theme song was played in again. Morricone several different pieces were driven by the synthesizer. May seem strange, but quite successful.

Vur is a curiosity that will increase more and more into an absolutely bizarre finish.

7 / 10


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