Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Sew In Weave Without Cutting Tracks

Mein Leben auf der Baustelle

Stupid way we found after we moved in that the walls are down a bit wet. After lengthy discussions with our landlord, we could look forward to changes. So moved here on a Thursday at the construction workers. It should take four days. They wanted to beat renew the lower concrete from the walls in the hallway and storage room and and apply various protective agents. Four days, so I agreed. I was unfortunately forced to because of my small jobs all day at home to spend. Unfortunately, the craftsmen were even at seven. Sorry, Sebastian had also at seven to work. So I had to get up at this time ... I had no desire to sleep anyway because further when jumping around in the house the craftsmen. But it got worse. Eventually, she began to look at the cause. Eventually, I came back and they had ripped out the laminate in the entire corridor. We lived the next two weeks on the bare concrete. Yes two weeks ... because, unfortunately, was after those two weeks with no end in sight. And I was nervous at the end. Every day get up at seven. Somewhere in the bedroom and sit around the kitchen, because the other rooms were no longer usable. The bathroom was large mit dem Zeug aus Flur und Abstellkammer zugestelllt und das Wohnzimmer hatten wir auch zusammengeräumt, da dort auch teilweise die Wände bearbeitet wurden. Zumindest saß ich meistens bis 10 Uhr irgendwie rum und versuchte mir die Zeit zu vertreiben. Ich hatte ja leider nicht mal Internet, da unser Anschluss im Flur war und das lag in Brüchen. Vor 10 Uhr brauchte ich eh nicht los, da ja um die Zeit erst die Geschäfte öffnen. So versuchte ich mir die erste Woche meine Zeit zu vertreiben. Zum Glück hatte ich jede Menge Vorstellungsgespräche. Doch in der zweiten Woche wurde es immer schlimmer. Ich hatte einfach keine Ideen mehr und auch keine Lust. Ich wollte einfach mal wieder zu hause sitzen. Doch da war leider das größte Chaos. Den ganzen Crouching day in just kitchens and bedrooms ... terrible. And we could not really move anymore. The way out of the kitchen to the bedroom was a nightmare. From the kitchen out, first time over it boots to get through the hallway, where not a laminate and the chaos was bare. Then again, from shoes to scurry to the next room. And again and again. And all for three weeks .... three weeks ... what should really be only four days. I had had enough. Constantly thrown indirectly out of the apartment, because you could start there before anything. And every day find something with which you can while away the time to be at least earliest deals to 15.30 clock. But this was no hope. For the home was a mess anyway. But after a long three weeks it is finally over ... The walls look good again, I have everything wiped and given to the cabinets again. At last it looks tidy again. At last I can live here again, and me all the days feel like ...


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