Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Games To Play On The Bus

Der Ampelmann

We have set ourselves in our big white empty hall a beautiful green traffic light man to paint. But it should be harder than expected. The problems began at the hardware store. First, wall color is totally unsuitable for large uniform surfaces with a brush to paint. But how should I get my hands on the wall, and finally I had to the former contours with color and then "paint" the rest. This is the color is not in the least. Others we have not found. Therefore decided we stick to the Green Man and with a paint roller to remove completely over it. The second problem was that the color that we had chosen to have only the 2-liter containers, was anything but there were also smaller. Now we have a lot of green paint lying around here ....

first step was, therefore, stick to the template to the wall and try it on a large scale the same. It went better than I thought. Even with the proportions I had no problems, although I had little overview of what I painted. This is on the wall not so simple.

some point it was Once done. Now had the full plan will be covered with wallpaper band, just as original. In particular, the curves were quite a problem because there had even come the scissors used to stick the tape to rounding.
When this madness work was over, however, things went further. Now it still had around with newspapers "stuffed" is to ensure that no paint comes to where they should not go.

hope now, anxious, wait ... and stress over it once, continue to hope that the paint does not run under it ... again rose. Allow to dry ... After a few hours then den Endanstrich. Die Farbe sieht gut aus... ist total gleichmäßig... nur hat das Klebeband gehalten???

Herausfinden konnte man es erst am nächsten Tag... Doch wer gedacht hat, das Klebeband geht einfach so wieder ab, hat sich getäuscht... es war wunderbar mit dem Farbanstrich verschmolzen. Man musste es ganz vorsichtig abziehen, an einigen Stellen sogar die Farbe mit dem Messer entfernen, so dass Klebeband keine Löcher in dem Anstrich hinterlässt... Und es hat natürlich nicht geklappt wie man wollte... das Ergebnis sah so aus:

Nun mussten wir uns was einfallen lassen. Ich habe die ganze Woche genutzt, einen Stift zu finden, der das überdecken könnte. Wir dachten erst an einen einfachen Buntstift, doch der war einfach zu schwach... Schließlich fand ich einen weißen flüssigen Edding... mit dem hat das ganz gut geklappt und nun ist nichts mehr von der überflüssigen Farbe zu sehen und die Linien sind aalglatt....
Nach endlosen korrigieren ist das Ampelmännchen das letzte Wochenende endlich fertig geworden...

Einfach toll!!!!


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