Monday, November 22, 2010

Green Or Blue With Cherry Floors

Die "Sarrazin-Debatte"

While reading Mr. Sarrazin today in the Mayer's "creates Germany from the" book store at King Avenue on an event of the RP from his latest controversial work but finds far away from Düsseldorf's lively - organized by Antifa-KOK - on Wednesday, 24.11. , from 19.00 in the left Zentrum.Hinterhof a debate on the topic instead (admission free):

from the racism of the power elites

The trial of a preliminary review of the "debate Sarrazin"

Speaker: Jörg Kronauer (Anti-Racist Education Forum Rheinland)

From "stupid head scarf girls" to the "Jewish gene": Hardly ever openly racist, anti-Semitic sentiments such a mass distribution in the German public found in the debate on various pamphlets of the former Federal Bankers Thilo Sarrazin. New is not the content, many of Sarrazin's allegations known for years from publications of the extreme right. What is new is that parts of German power elites and therefore jump leading media and publishing houses to the renowned racist train. Within a few weeks ago, the Bertelsmann Group sold well 650,000 specimens of Sarrazin's latest concoction, jumps into the former left-liberal Süddeutsche Zeitung, a former SPD -Federal Education Minister at the author and requires that one has in Germany again more talk of "race". The wave of excitement dies down a bit from now - time to take stock. What is different after the "Sarrazin debate"? Has used the far right? one party is right to establish the Union? Mutate the future excesses of the so-called party-nationalism now finally to racists-party - with fatal consequences for people with migration background? And above all, what the German power elites to achieve with the opening of mass-media components for a worst resentment against the immigrant underclass?

Organized by Antifa AK-University of Applied Sciences Dusseldorf and the AG INPUT , in Kooperation mit dem Antirassistischen Bildungsforum Rheinland.

Quelle: Linkes Zentrum.Hinterhof


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