Thursday, June 5, 2008


Eine Begegnung der besonderen Art

We had again planned to visit and take a hike. We had a great route ausgesucht.Doch then there were incidents that at all were not included or could not be included. It all started in a field that we had to cross. The Allgäu is the standard that is often marked hiking trails lead through meadows, but this time when we ungenutzte.Doch which opened a Weidentor, we heard from quite far bells ringing. And suddenly appeared from behind the next hill three cows. We were surprised at first and then the stupid cows but were actually running towards us. Fortunately, there were in the pasture near the woods three adjacent standing trees behind which we hid quickly. And somehow the cows then also no longer interest us. And we were able to rest across the pasture. But I thought it was not a good sign. It should not happen ... The rest of the hike, however, was good and it was again very beautiful. But when we wanted to begin the return journey should wait for a surprise on us. Sebastian and I went that way ever and then we got nothing in your way. But this time when we reached the pasture, we had to cross, but actually there was a herd of cows. And we absolutely had to go through it because it was too big to handle them. I have immediately refused. Who knows what cows do with people who do not know. However, Sebastian has had the courage and entered the first to pasture in order to see how far you come from. But what has come out here, you see here:

some point he is back from the stone down and then ran to the other side. A few cows have followed him, but the others were waiting for us ...
Our visit is behind and then had to convince to come along too. So we have slowly entered the pasture, and also have run slowly on it happening. Initially have watched the cows, but then they came slowly towards us. I had a bad feeling about it. And what makes our visit ... shouting at the cow at once. Is stopped and has looked quite shocked what happened. So we ended up slowly crossed the pasture. Always the cows, die sich um uns herum verteilten im Auge. Und wenn uns eine zu nahe kam, schrie unser Besuch sie wieder an... und immer wieder blieben die Kühe erschrocken zurück. So kamen wir zwar langsam, aber trotzdem voran. Und wir konnten uns die Kühe so gut es ging vom Leib halten...

Ja, man muss eben auf alles gefasst sein, wenn man im Allgäu wandern geht... auch auf „wildgewordene“ Kühe. Doch es war auf jeden Fall lustig. Zumindest weil uns die Kühe nicht zu nah gekommen sind....


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