Wir schreiben den 20. Juni 2008. Der ganze Wald ist voll von braunen vertrockneten Laubblättern. In ein paar Metern liegt der erste Schnee. Ja, wir sind immer noch in Deutschland und Mitten im Sommer. Naja, aber auf rund 1200 Metern Höhe.
Wir hatten diesmal beschlossen eine richtig tolle Klettertour zu machen. Also machten wir uns auf nach Ehrwald in die Zugspitz Arena.
Es sollte einiges auf mich zukommen, darauf war ich gefasst. Doch es sollte das noch übersteigen. Angefangen hat alles mit einem netten kleinen Forest, which was then increasingly steep and rocky. Then there was also the whole forest full of leaves or leaves. And we always had the Zugspitze in view and we have seen increasingly as we gained altitude. At some point, quite exhausted, we finally reached the tree line. And the road was getting worse. Now we had to cope with the next piece through a boulder field. A huge rock fall in the mountains and we had to go through it, or as high.
But with patience and sure-footed they came vorran well and we reached the plateau and from where you have a great view of surrounding mountains and down into the valley had to Ehrwald.
Dann stand uns das schlimmste Stück bevor. Oder besser gesagt mir, denn Sebastian ist den Weg schon mal gegangen. Wir mussten die steile Felswand hinauf. Über Felsen klettern und schmale Wege begehen, und immer den Blick auf die Schlucht, die mindestens 600 m in die Tiefe führte... ja, das erste Stück war echt nicht lustig, wenn einem da so Gedanken kommen, was passieren könnte, wenn man wirklich abrutschen sollte... Unvorstellbar... Doch wenn man langsam und mit Bedacht vorwärts geht, kommt man gut vorran. Teilweise waren auch Drahtseile gespannt um einen besseren Halt zu bekommen. Doch alles in allem war es ein toller und aufregender Weg. Man sollte nur vermeiden als zu oft nach unten zu schauen...
arrived And on top, the scenery was even more fantastic. Green meadows with flowers, in between some rocks and surrounded by the huge mountains. Beautifully ... Much better it was then after a few meters, we reached the lake. Beautiful blue water surrounded by huge mountains and in the background, the Zugspitze. A great place to first to take a break.
The way back was a little longer, but not so steep. He led us through more ways to Ehrwalder hut. On our way we could still observe a sheep transport. A normal truck from which nearly 50 sheep were running. The trick was that there were several stories and a kind of lift in the vehicle. Unthinkable.
are amazing and all the ants are there in the mountains. As you can see almost all three-meter somewhere in the forest an ant heap. I found one that was almost as big as me. At the hut
Ehrwalder arrived, then ran a couple of horses on the loose. Total tame. You could even just caress Sun Somehow we came up with the idea, but to take a picture of me as I sit on the horse. So we looked for a horse that had grazed all the time and not really moving as we rankamen. Sebastian helped me up ... and the stupid horse ran off suddenly. For a brief moment I could hold still and then I saw the ground coming at me ... Since I have this daredevil climb safely over, and then I fall off the horse. Real funny ... But I survived habs. A graze on his arm and some bruises on the back part, otherwise everything is still intact. The descent then I have also done it without problems. Totally exhausted, we finally reached the train and went back.
Definitely a great adventurous trip.
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