Friday, December 31, 2010

Viral Infection And Increased Heartrate


3 dev adam

Turkey 1973 Director: T. Fikret Ucak
Cast: Aytekin Akkaya, Deniz Erkanat, Yavuz Selekman

To 3 dev adam I have before Some time a film review written. See here. The movies I watched in those days something of dubious quality and no subtitles. Since I speak no Turkish, it was also correspondingly difficult to follow the plot. Meanwhile, I have seen the film now have subtitles and so here's my new assessment.

with counterfeit currency and smuggling antiquities makes the super villain Spider in the U.S. and Mexico, a good deal. To stop it would Captain America, together with his girlfriend Julia and Santo to Turkey to meet with the local police. They quickly find a track to Spider, who has done the local mafia types, and runs a strip club. Spider is just about antiques by wealthy people to steal and shows little enthusiasm for foreign Gästen, die ihm in die Geschäfte pfuschen.

Die Idee Spiderman, Captain America und Santo in einen Film zu stecken finde ich immer noch irre, wobei man sich einige künstlerische Freiheiten bei der Interpretation der Figuren herausgenommen hat. Spiderman, der im Film bzw. in den Untertiteln nur als Spider bezeichnet wird, ist Chef einer Verbrecherorganisation und besitzt auch keinerlei der bekannten Superkräfte, dafür aber die Fähigkeit eiskalt Menschen umzubringen. Gleich zu Beginn lässt er eine Frau im Strand eingraben und mit einem Bootsmotor töten. Etwas später folgt die etwas abstruse Szene, in der er auf einen Mann zwei Mäusen sent through a tube and his face eaten away the rushes.
Otherwise, it is striking that Captain America at one time a friend named Julia, what turns out to bring as a fairly simple test to some sex appeal to the hero side. Otherwise, it's Spider, which leaps through the beds or robs naked girls, of course, besides the fact that he runs a strip club.
Where the film scores are correct, the action scenes. What sometimes start here is beating cinema in the style of the Spencer / Hill films. In the final 15 minutes will be beaten. Spider seems often beaten, but then dipped to a new version of him and the Klopperei continues. Even one of these wild ideas again and again to make a new copy of the bad guys show up and Klopperei to start anew.
summary, sex, violence and action by the three elements of "3 dev adam. Was not expecting more particularly, should be fairly well maintained.
Aytekin Akkaya, who plays the role of Captain America is also in "Dünyayi Kurtaran adam" (The Man Who Saved The World, Turkish Star Wars and what still has all of Title) to see Cüneyt Arkin as a partner and also in "Yor - Hunter from the Future "as the Yor. T. Fikret Ucak
director is someone who certainly know about his craft and is also one of the Tarkanfilme rotated.

The original negative was destroyed in a fire, therefore you have to make quality the DVD release some compromises. Onar Films released the film in fairly ordinary VHS quality if I remember correctly, a DVD was taken from a German collector as a master. Where the DVD really scores is the bonus material. It is almost 90 minutes to find interviews with the director and two main characters on the disc. That fact alone is worth buying because you get some information on what was then the movie business.

Can I Douche With Hydrogen Peroxide

3 giant flying lineage and kill the man against

Kilink soy ve öldür
Türkei 1967
Regie: Yilmaz Atadeniz
Darsteller: Yildirim Gencer, Sevda Nur, Suzan Avci

Ebenfalls im Jahr 1967 erschien nach Kilink Istandbul'da und „Kilink uçan adama karsi“ der dritte Teil der Kilink Reihe unter dem Titel „Kilink soy ve öldür“ (Kilink Strip & Kill).

Der Film schließt gleich an des Ende des zweiten Teils an. Kilink ist in den Tod gesprungen und liegt leblos auf der Straße. Doch weit gefehlt, der Superschurke ist alive and plans with his lover Suzy have his next coup. He infiltrates a mysterious criminal organization that is after a microfilm. The microfilm is in the possession of an ambassador in Turkey and contains the codes for launching nuclear weapons, which were also the criminal Yousuf is interested. Kilink gets his awakened interest in the crossfire and a planned gold smuggling by Yousuf ...

I do not know what you tried to do here, if you wanted to squeeze three films in one or install as many Plottwists, but "Kilink soy ve öldür" ist ein ziemlich großes unnötig kompliziertes Durcheinander. Jeder betrügt jeden und alle paar Minuten wird eine neue Allianz geschlossen und wer nicht wirklich bei der Sache ist dürfte recht schnell den Überblick verlieren.
Auch ansonsten gibt es ein paar Unterschiede zum ersten Teil. Wie es scheint wurde Superhero, Kilinks Erzfeind in Rente geschickt, ansonsten agiert Kilink hier vollkommen allein, einzig mit Suzy an seiner Seite, was ihn aber nicht hindert mit diversen anderen Frauen anzubandeln. Highlight des Films ist Kilinks Flucht vor der Polizei durch Istanbul. Natürlich kein Vergleich zu ähnlichen Szenen in späteren Filmen wie in „Angst über der Stadt“ aber doch recht flott in Szene gesetzt. Allgemein muss say that the film was staged very well, as is one of this country quite sloppy usual. If we are to believe director Yilmaz Atadeniz, his three films Kilink the best and the others then are only cheap copies. Since the remaining films are not yet surfaced, the statement remains for now at that. Main problem of the third part is just far too confusing plot. You have probably tried everything here to do something to-earth. No Super Hero, ray gun or pompous hiding on an island more, but many intrigues. A bit of camp fun you get to see but still, as if the poor Suzy has been tortured with an obvious rubber snake, but made no comparison to the wild things The first two parts. The action is good, because even if it starts, but remains as a conclusion to say that the first part was just something fun for all this hyperbole.

The film was released together with the second part of the Kilinkreihe Onar Films on DVD. Here we probably had access to a good master and therefore can be more than satisfied with the quality. No tread, cracks, etc. movie like the first two parts.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Real Gay Cruising Vids

Kilink Kilink

Kilink ucan adama karsi

Turkey 1967 Director: Yilmaz Atadeniz
Starring: Irfan Atasoy, Pervin Par, Muzaffer Tema

In the same year as Kilink Istanbul'da appeared Kilink ucan adama karsi (Kilink vs. The Flying Man.), The direct continuation of the first film. Both films were shot simultaneously with the same actors and have been designed from the start as a two-parter.

We remember Kilink Istanbul'da? If not, no big problem, because the first 20 minutes Kilink ucan adama karsi consist of a compilation of the first part. It is interesting that while there are some scenes look too short, due to the lack of film cracks in Kilink Istanbul'da have. Without it again now want to elaborate on the whole history, Kilink Professor Cemil has with his daughter on a remote island abducted there so he can develop his super-weapon ready. Cemil struggles against it, of course, but when Kilink threatens to harm his daughter, he is small in and completed a ray gun. Meanwhile, Orhan sets out to find Kilink and goes to sea with a local fisherman to Kilink hiding on the island. Kilink testing the ray gun at the small boat and the fishing can Orhan capture. Locked in a cell is transformed Orhan Superhero and manages Professor Cemil, and the Fisher for his Verlot Escape help. Besides, is destroyed Kilink hiding yet again manages to escape this by a trick. Back in Istanbul Kilink developed a new plan. He wants the precious jewels of an Austrian princess who steal just staying in Turkey. The princess is killed by him and there is a showdown between him and Super Hero ...

what extent it was necessary to tell in the first 20 minutes again, the whole history was once an open question. Anyone who has seen the movie yet anyway, one can start the movie in itself, little snippets and those who have seen him, warmly received little new. Otherwise, the story is largely free of surprises on the stage. Orhan is on the island turns into super hero and makes Kilink driving to an end. In itself, this would be a nice showdown for the first film was to go before the main action begins with jewel theft. Sometimes it is also a bit of a problem because the second half of the film is currently considered missing and is told briefly by means of still images, thereby making the movie has a running time of just 48 minutes. Subtracting the scenes from the first film, you get just 28 minutes of new material to be seen. In the current situation
makes it probably the most sense, the film as Nachklapp/Finale des ersten Teils zu betrachten.

Der Film erschien zusammen mit dem dritten Kilink Film Kilink soy ve öldür (Kilink Strip & Kill) von Onar Films auf DVD. Wie schon erwähnt fehlt die zweite Hälfte des Film, aber man hat sich Mühe gegeben die fehlenden Handlungsstränge mittels Standbildern zu ergänzen. Wie beim ersten Teil muss man wieder mit Jump-Cuts und Filmrissen leben. Trotz dieser vermeintlichen Mängel kann man mal wieder nur eine Kaufempfehlung aussprechen. An sich kann man sowieso überhaupt froh sein, dass solch obskurer Kram auf DVD veröffentlicht wird und wer wissen möchte wie der erste Teil ausgeht, hat sowieso keine Wahl.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A1110y Audio Windows 7

Turkish Delight in Istanbul

Kilink Istanbul'da
Türkei 1967
Regie: Yilmaz Atadeniz
Darsteller: Irfan Atasoy, Pervin Par, Muzaffer Tema, Suzan Avci, Hüseyin Peyda

Kriminal war eine recht populäre Comicreihe in Italien, die 1964 von Magnus und Max Bunker erschaffen wurde. Bei der Titelgebenden Hauptfigur handelt es sich um einen Meisterdieb, der seine Verbrechen in einem mit einen Skelett bemalten gelbfarbigen Anzug begeht und auch vor etwas rabiateren Methoden nicht zurückschreckt. Zu dem Erfolg der Reihe trugen wohl auch die damals recht gewagt Sex- und Gewaltdarstellungen at. As the time is now in successful series, published over the years, several similarly designed comic series including Diabolik or Satan. Crime was filmed in 1966 by Umberto Lenzi. The main role was Glenn Saxson seen. The film was shot in England and Turkey. Some producers had edged Turkish delight in the material and so was Kilink Istanbul'da. Kilink is based, however, not directly on crime but on Killing, which was renamed outside of Italy in Satan.

During the opening credits there is to see the same scenes from the feature film. A woman is ausgepeischt, crime shoots a doctor, Superman beat up some people. That can still be something. Then we see how some people bring a coffin into a house, a woman is the mummified body of a syringe, and a new lease of life. When the dressing is off, nobody puts different Kilink below. Resurrected from the dead he has no lesser goal than world domination, but it lacks a mysterious formula, which is owned by Dr. Houloussi. Kilink equips the doctor a visit to shoot him and obtained the formula, but as it turns out missing a part. Meanwhile replaced Orhan, son of Houloussi, by a spirit from beyond super powers. If he used the word "Shazam" pronounce verwandelt er sich in Superhero, dem Kugeln nichts anhaben können. Kilink schickt seine Männer zu Houloussis Haus um nach dem Rest der Formel zu suchen, doch Superhero schafft es die Schurken in die Flucht zu schlagen. Wie sich herausstellt besitzt Prof. Cemil, ein Arbeitskollege von Houloussis und gleichzeitig der Vater von Orhans Verlobten die Formel. Kilink schafft es Cemils Sekretärin auf seine Seite zu bringen. Um nun den Aufenthaltspunkt der Formel herauszufinden, lässt Kilink zuerst Orhans Verlobte und dann den Professor selbst entführen und auch Superhero wird von ihm in eine Falle gelockt...
Wie das ganze nun am Ende ausgeht, erfährt noch nicht einmal der Zuschauer, denn darüber gibt der im gleichen Jahr veröffentlichte „Kilink uçan adama karsi“ (Killing vs. the Flying Man) Aufschluss.

Der türkische Kilink weißt durchaus einige Änderungen zu seinen italienischen Vorlagen auf. Ist er hier doch kein Superverbrecher mehr, sondern hat gleich die Weltherrschaft im Auge und als durchaus abstrus wirkt es, dass eine Figur wie Superhero in dem Film auftaucht. Auch ist er kein Einzelgänger mehr sondern hat vielmehr gleich ein ganzes Verbrechersyndikat unter sich.
Seine Überredungskünste bei der Damenwelt und das eiskalte Auftragen lassen da schon eher die italienischen Wurzeln erahnen. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Szene in der er die Sekretärin des Professors seduced. She stands in her underwear in front of the mirror and Kilink creeps through her window. She grabs the weapon and wants to kill him, but Kilink she was one step ahead, forcing her into a kiss and now she can not leave him. This is precisely this blend of sex and violence that were the hallmark of the comic series. A similar scene is indeed in "Il marchio the Krimial" the sequel to "crime".
is sometimes the film somewhat abstruse. How to use a formula that was developed to fight cancer, can be used to build a super weapon, worked just as surprising as the conversation about the fact that it is Super Hero is a fantasy figure, although he still beats the scene in front of some bad guys. We have it here in general not to do with the best script, but the mixture of Kilink, Super Hero, many scantily clad girls and Prügelein but provides for very good entertainment.

The film was a huge success in Turkey and it was followed by several sequels, including very wild thing as "Django, Rider of Death", "Kilink vs. Frankenstein "or" Killing vs. The One-Armed Fighter ". To what extent can characters like Django or Frankenstein Kilink installed into a film, one can only guess whether the same The films will ever emerge, because some are considered lost.

The film was released by Onar Films on DVD, and here we may well speak of a Grindhouse presentation. Original negative is probably no longer exists, so you probably rely on one or more film roles had little worn. Thus, you get the tread, jump cuts and film cracks in their full flower to face. Particularly picky anyway should not be and in itself anyway, surprising that the film has survived to this day is ever released on DVD in this case. So strong buy recommendation.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Specialized Dolce Triple Vs Trek

The last time that I have posted anything at all is now well over two years ago. These were a review of the Turkish Batman Rip-Off "Bedmen yarasa adam. Batman as a friend of easy women. Truly great cinema. Late 60s and was in the 70s already turned very wild stuff in Turkey and without necessarily pejorative to my lot was like cheap rip-offs of Western films. The range is very large and includes mainstream films like "ET," "Jaws" or "Death Wish", but also genre movies such as "Lo strano vizio della Signora Wardh. In general, appeared not even the films auserhalb Turkey and are therefore more commonly known. Why did

here so little? One reason is likely the chronic lack of time coupled with lack of motivation that just seen to reflect in writing, be it.
But it will take the time to blog again among the living. The plan is to introduce some Turkish films. Initially, every day seem even a new review, but as I know, the time intervals Weden fast longer.

What is there to possibly soon to see / read? First, I have all the DVD releases from Onar Films. (Onar Films is a Greek DVD label that specializes in Turkish films to be published.)

And other various Video like this one.

material is so plentiful. Time and motivation as well. In this sense: lamyrus Istanbul'da

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Average Dress Size Women 2010

Weihnachten ist ...

... "the festival of love" if you like the most recent survey on this blog believe. Place 2 share the Christians ("Christmas is a Christian festival!") And the sober society viewers ("Christmas is pure commerce"). No votes were given the Views that it is a pagan festival all, and that Christmas simply a good thing, because you will rewarded.

Anyway: Merry Christmas! ;-)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Congratulations Baby Poem


There were once three brothers.

really white Christmas, the three not seen for quite some time. The night before 24 However, it had snowed so much that even large parts of the collapsed public transport. Fortunately, the three were equipped with two functioning legs, so they ground the traditional church on the first day of winter vacation need not fear. They were in fair Pace towards the sound of bells, they could perceive, from its front door. Despite some junk shops, they would have probably still made time to take place in the annual sold-out house of God. You'd think it was a kind of religion Derby, where a large number of visiting fans in disguise was visible.

But on the way across their district they noticed that a car was plagued with the prevailing weather conditions in combination with the residues on the asphalt around. A young man could not move the machine to propel. Both man and machine turned, by formally. The three brothers, however - before bursting courage - Collected all their forces and deported to the vehicle with power and understanding. The no longer helpless inmate expressed his thanks and was even willing to miss his wallet a short diet. But the three brothers declined with thanks, finally, they would not even miss the re-enactment of one of the most important scenes from the centuries since No. 1 on the bestseller list related work.

And if they are not dead, they still do a good deed every day.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can Person With Bicuspid Aortic Valve Get Tattoo?


They've already ...
They've just ...

The are like that.

Those who were the use so much.
avoid liability, protect assets.
generalizations that benefit no one.

If the only knew about the ...

The see the image of : Tobias Mayatepek
The see the text by: Leo Mayatepek

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Webcam Код 43

Das Potential ist da!

Last Thursday, 9/12/2010, found the inaugural meeting of the new - second - Düsseldorf Youth Council instead. Fortunately were all members present 31. (Hopefully this will at the upcoming meetings also be the case!) The response of the voters and the press did, however, very limited. So were in addition to the representatives of the parties and the employees of the administration, only half a dozen members of the 1st Jugenrates and a handful of interested persons appeared.

promised the meeting agenda no tense evening. In addition to the sobering analysis to select (the turnout has been halved to less than 20%: many young people felt inadequately informed and the types of schools are represented not representative - it was 00:00 applications from secondary school students) were targets and tasks of the Youth Council defined by the administration .

More or less interesting it was at the launch of the new members. Although at least half of the contributions appeared to me almost identical to the letter ( "I'm so glad to be selected and look forward to a great cooperation with you all!" ), stood out but already some "deputies" out noticeably.

motivated particularly appeared to me personally because of their introductory speech, the following members of the new Youth Council:
- Lajla Fetic (District 1)
- Aurel Groene (2)
- Tobias Mayatepek (3)
- Henning Schmidt (3)
- Dorothy Stieber ( 5)
- Sebastian Schnock (5)
- Haffsa Badi (6)
- Mike Brunkow (6)
- Yasmina Aoulad Ali (8)
- Ali Hammouchi (9)
- Ikram Qassiti (9)

Hopefully now that - unlike the first Youth Council - all initial euphoria after the first session flies. meet on the planning weekend in Duisburg (21 to 23/01/2010) , the old and new members (I myself am unable to attend!), the foundation for work in the coming year are laid. It is also important - and here the first Youth clearly not worked well enough - the young people of the city more involved in political work . Whether through monthly district meetings, as she plans Aurel Groene in District 2, they es durch Publikationen auf Blogs; sei es durch Einbindung in die verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen; sei es durch Mitbringen von FreundInnen zu den öffentlichen Sitzungen des Jugendrates.

Das Potential ist da! Man darf auf die kommenden 3 Jahre gespannt sein!

Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Calculate Btu From An Existing Radiator

Liquid Lightning Adventskalender

Liquid Lightning , die "beste Newcomerband Deutschlands" und meine persönliche Düsseldorfer 2. Lieblingsband (nach den Toten Hosen natürlich), überrascht zurzeit mit einem netten Adventskalender ! Hinter dem heutigen Türchen verbergen sich gleich 3 Songtexte der "Bumsrocker" - allesamt auf Englisch. Da ich morgen eine Englisch-LK-Klausur schreibe - und 19 Jahre alt werde - nutze ich die Gelegenheit zum Feilen an meinen Übersetzungskünsten ! ;-)

Kaffee Und Fernsehen ("Coffee And TV")

Hier sind wir nun, rennen im Kreis herum
Sie sagen, alle seien wohlauf, jawohl
Doch du wirst das Gefühl nicht los
Du sinkst Richtung Boden
Schon bald wirst du glauben
Wir können nicht leben ohne...

Kaffee und Fernsehen
Wir leben in Gefangenschaft
Also gib mir Kaffee und Fernsehen
Es ist das selbe, selbe, selbe

Hier sind wir nun, rennen von den
circles like you say, everyone was doing well at present
But I can not continue to pretend as if I feel it deeply

Soon I will accept
A life of nothing more than ...


fishing light ("Catch Light")

I'm sorry that you went as far
Without consideration
I leave here, I leave it now that
to nothing more burning left is
you breathe in, I feel burned out
Was it perhaps too much for me?
you breathe out, I do not fit into the picture
So tell me why I ...

waiting for you, so that you finally your decision will meet
waiting for you to remember that it
In here at night is cold
In here is cold at night

the march begins, you have fun
That's super great for you
Now you are laughing yet, but soon you'll get wedged
on something that you yourself made true
I was on the ground, and were you already there?
Did you stay the joy?
The music is really good, but nobody seems to care
What happens on the way down


All is lost, it's not up care
There's still time to save themselves up to


take the blame and let yourself fall
take the blame and let yourself fall
take the blame and let themselves fall
let you down even let you down even let you down even

lost a riot ("A Riot Lost")

waiting to sign
Waiting for the showing of signs
I can not deny it
Everything here is in the air flying
And I can no longer continue to watch non
longer, the war must have its
And I can no longer see with my eyes
This will not go far
I will know
Those eyes do not bring me far

Hey, you
Turn around, watch me go through direct
a riot, lost right at the beginning

can not until the end
in the sense that you build
I decide whether
that a riot or a storm is
And I can not tolerate
I say, this is war
There is no way out
Those eyes I will not go far

I know those eyes I will not go far

More info:
Liquid Lightning

comments to translation errors or even suggestions are always welcome. It is even specifically requested, because I myself am of the opinion that my English is still far expandable ...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rc Submarine Homemade

Pyrotechnik legalisieren!

A joint statement by German Ultràgruppen:

Germany Football: It's time to finally talk seriously about once pyrotechnics. It is time that in this discussion so far on one side not only those to speak who would like to stadiums in Germany as an audience in the theater. Or those who equate Pyrotechnics rampage and where it just feel like it is their to increase rates or support. Or even push through an absurd security rule. It is time for those to speak who appear on the subject of pyrotechnics in the headlines and is judged on: We Ultras.

We find pyrotechnics good!

We want to make it clear from the beginning. But not to the background as a martial appearance. No! This is not a hypocritical statement to make it right to make those who share our vision of football and not fight. We want to flares, smoke pots, etc. when entering the teams out of the gate, with special songs and choreography as. Because we are followers einer lebendigen und fröhlichen Pyrotechnik. Wir lieben die einzigartige Atmosphäre, wenn die Mannschaften auf den Platz kommen und von rotem Leuchten unter Flutlicht begleitet werden. Wir lieben die Emotionen, die mit einem Freudenfeuer nach dem Tor verbunden sind. Wir lieben es, wenn die Kurve in einem Meer aus Farben untergeht. Wir lieben die Pyrotechnik, so wie wir unsere Zaunfahnen, Choreographien, Gesänge lieben. Und: wir werden sie uns nicht nehmen lassen.
Bengalische Feuer und die bunten Farben des Rauches sind feste Bestandteile der Fankultur. Für uns ist Pyrotechnik ein Mittel, um Feierstimmung zu schaffen, ein Teil der oft zitierten südländischen Atmosphäre!


pyrotechnics accompanied by responsibility. We are aware of the risks inherent in the use of pyrotechnics with it. With responsible and reasonable deal, however, these risks are reduced to a minimum, this is also our goal. For us as a signatory means that

- No more firecrackers, gun shots and other firecrackers. These things are small and mean, because nobody is prepared for the blow. And public mood, they can not do it.
- Pyrotechnics belongs in the hands, by no means in the air and possibly not on the ground. Tracer bullets are just as taboo as the "disposal" of Bengal Fires in the interior, let's pitch or in neighboring blocks. This requires the creation of opportunities that enable a conscientious handling on our part. In the current situation, the spiral is in a mixture of punishments and threats and on. In order to escape her term, the pyrotechnics are dissolved out of the shadow of the crime. For out of fear of punishment Bengal fire partially masked and squeezed in between many fans immediately thrown after the ignition on the floor or in areas apparently free, the potential increased risk compared with a controlled and legalized burning in the hand is obvious. Law enforcement missed so many years their goal to make the stadium safer. The target must be eventually self-regulatory treatment of the curves. We therefore demand:

- Provide a framework for legal burning of fireworks in our curves
- ownership of clubs and fan groups

pyrotechnics is passion!

We are a signatory to this claim. Although this opinion is not shared by all. Even if there are people who want to see themselves rid of all our idea of pyrotechnics from this earth. Even if there are people who use pyrotechnics in a way that is not in our favor. We can not accept responsibility for anyone with a scarf in the colors of our club on the road. We provide our own needs and objectives, we use our influence for this claim.


Aachen - Aachen Ultras
Aue - Fialová Sbor
Aue - Ultras Aue
Augsburg - Legio Augusta
Berlin - Harlequin
Bielefeld - Local Crew
Brunswick - Cattiva Brunsviga
Burghausen - Black Side Ultras
Chemnitz - Chemnitz Ultras
Dortmund - Desperados 99
Dortmund - The Unity
Dresden - Ultras Dynamo
[Warum nicht Ultras Düsseldorf?, Anm.]
Erfurt - Erfordia Ultras
Essen - Ultras Essen
Freiburg - Natural Born Ultras
Freiburg - Wilde Jungs
Gelsenkirchen - Ultras Gelsenkirchen
Halle - Saalefront
Hamburg - Chosen Few Hamburg
Hamburg - Poptown
Hannover - Ultras Hannover
Jena - Horda Azzuro
Kaiserslautern - Frenetic Youth
Kaiserslautern - Pfalz Inferno
Karlsruhe - Ultra 1894 Karlsruhe
Kassel - Scena Chassalla 913
Cologne - Boyz Cologne
Cologne - Coloniacs
Cologne - Wilde Horde 96
Köpenick - Hammer Hearts Union
Köpenick - Wuhlesyndikat
Krefeld - Ultras Krefeld
Lübeck - Boys United
Lübeck - Lübeck Ultra collective
Magdeburg - Block U 1.FC Magdeburg Mainz
- Ultra scene
Mainz Mönchengladbach - Obsession Ultrà
Munich - crowd Munich
Münster - Deviants Ultras
Nuremberg - Ultras Nürnberg 1994
Oberhausen - Semper Fidelis
Offenbach - Boys Offenbach
Osnabrück - Violet Crew
Reutlingen - Scene E
Saarbrücken - Boys Saarbrücken
Siegen - Sneakers Crew wins
Stuttgart Kickers - Blue Bomber
Stuttgart Kickers - MARA Kickers
Stuttgart / Vfb - Commando Cannstatt 1997
Trier - Insane Ultra
Ulm - Supporters Ulm
Wolfsburg - Weekend Brothers
Würzburg - B-Block Würzburg Zwickau
- Red Kaos 1997

source: (. Pdf) Aachen Ultras

Skeptical criticism RP

keeping with the theme:
My professional work in chemistry on "Pyrotechnics"