Sunday, February 27, 2011

Checkered Table Cloth History

Nicht nur eine Wahrheit

friendship has not only one truth. It is

night and it is morning, it is becoming

and decay, it is

coming of Christ and she is far away.
For me, this truth
is for you this truth

(c) Annette Gonserowski
approximately 2002

Friday, February 25, 2011

Garment Bag For Wedding Dress

Mit Farbe gegen die Wand – Weitere Gestaltung der Unterführung Ellerstraße

Saturday, 02/26/2011
11:00 to 14:00

It goes on! Underpass Mintropplatz / Ellerstrasse - color fever and freedom of movement

Almost exactly a year has passed since that was embellished during the first freedom of movement for action, the underpass Ellerstraße / Mintropplatz. 200 SymphatisantInnen, live music, coffee and cake and of course lots of colors in the luggage, we boarded these less prestigious place and took care of street party mood. We went with this action so many people on a temporary and permanent part of the city wall and 25 meters to win to revive, and to address the repression against graffiti artists. to make

The offer also the rest of the underpass since then was in the room. The Deutsche Bahn hat uns schriftlich die Genehmigung zur Gestaltung erteilt. Nun war die Stadt gefordert ein Finanzierungskonzept zu entwickeln.

Die Stadt Düsseldorf in Form des Kulturamtes ließ sich nicht lumpen. Für die weitere Gestaltung der Unterführung Ellerstraße wurden 500,- € bewilligt, während z.B. im selben Jahr für die künstliche Begrünung des halben Kö-Grabens 180.000 Euro zuzüglich 20.000 Euro jährliche Pfelgekosten ausgegeben wurden. Wir können euch versichern das es sich nicht um einen Irrtum handelt. Wir freuen uns das sich die Stadt Düsseldorf öffentlich zu ihrer Politik gegen “eine Stadt für alle” bekennt. Das muss gefeiert be!

why we will continue next Saturday as where we left off last year, and improve the existing image and create more space.

It is our city - We give you

Where: Under the leadership Mintropplatz / Ellerstrasse
When: Saturday, 26.02.2010 / 11:00
Bring coffee and cake, tools, color, old bed sheets with us, let us be creative together!

Source: freedom of movement - Dusseldorf

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Much Does It Cost To Fill A Cavity

Aus alten Gedichten



My silent cry
rebounds against bricks,
wanders urban canyons,
dies in the concrete.

desperately fighting my lungs
in crowds to oxygen.
A plastic fern
behind window glass

creates the illusion of survival.

The eyes look

in crowds after a light,
brings the heat.
you break in the freezing cold of
Neon sign.

Exhausted looking
my fingers to grab a hand, my foot in the

stumbling start. In case they embrace


(c) Annette Gonserowski
of: written relief ca.1980
in Berlin, standing before the decision: in the big city to move, which then had another island character, surrounded by the former GDR .

Att Home Phone Line How Long Does It Take

Sehnsucht nach dem Süden

the beach in Rio Els Poblets
In Jalon Valley

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eves Garden Naturisme

Nicht stören

It is certain
that return the birds
by departed thence,
loudly lamenting
in the shadow of the night,
that leaves empty tree
buds with
and under the ice
your track buried
in the rocky wall of the heart.
do not bother
remains that love

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What To Put On Hen Party Scrapbook


Leporello: (c) Claudia Ackermann -

My girlfriend gave me total surprise a kleines Kunstwerk, das unbeschreiblich schön ist: ein Mini-Leporello. Sie hat darin mit dünner Tuschefeder Bilder gezeichnet, für die sie meine Winterfotos als Motiv genommen hat.
Ich freue mich sehr darüber!

ist wie ein Fluss,
der manchmal
sich zur Welle bäumt,
gar überschäumt,
dann still
zwischen seinen Ufern

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Friday, February 18, 2011

Military: Driving With Expired License


Gestern begegnete ich zwei älteren Paaren, deren Anblick mich berührte.
Das eine kam aus dem Krankenhaus, das andere begegnete mir während meines Spaziergangs.
- Gemeinsame Wege -

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuck Or Untucked Shirt For Interview

Kunst auf Bierdeckeln

Meine Freundin Claudia hat eine Kunstaktions ins Leben gerufen, bei der Bierdeckel mit mannigfacher Kunst versehen werden. Einen habe ich bisher gemalt. Diesen :-)) -
stimmt schon gar nicht mehr: ich hab noch einen bemalt :-)))

Links zu Claudia:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Maxine Cartoon Healthcare


The Canada geese are back!
I am! There are also signs of spring!

Free Yamaha Tabla Styles


"parting is like dying,"
say. As your

train left the station, I waited in vain

to this death. As my train

in the other direction, drove
I did not die too.
When I awoke the next morning, I felt

finally dead

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Gerhard: This was the first poem with which I finished writing a year-long break in 1979. :-)) Since then I write without major breaks. feel

Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Do Polish Woman Have Big Boobs

Wahlabsprachen im Jugendrat?!

comment to the second meeting of the second Düsseldorf Youth Council (02/10/2011)

After the 2nd Dusseldorf Youth Council has launched the inaugural meeting last year and the first weekend of planning behind them, the committee has now 31köpfige a speakers team. Also representatives for committees and district councils are elected .

that there must have been before the elections to the speakers to post-fixing, in view of the result can not be doubted. One could almost speak of nepotism. So as to form Jacqueline spit (officer), Maike Klein (1 substitute) and Sebastian Thiel (2nd alternate), the "leadership team". Maike Klein that the CDU heard and they are already seated as a voting member of the District Councils 10 seems not to interfere. Jacqueline also be tables and Sebastian Thiel reputed ties to conservative groups. Should it agree that the two - as rumors is clear - should have led a political excess on the relationship that makes specific are no longer deny the vitamin B-based small group training in the youth council.

I do not want to mention that I myself during the last three years 1st Youth Jacqueline spit and Maike Klein have always gotten along well. This fact is, however, to separate that I think out of place for as spokeswomen.

Jacqueline is my opinion "too nice". I like to let myself think again! In dealing with a resistant management (for example, withheld the results for the "sample space survey" has for a long time), but it takes persistence. The two alternative candidates, and Badi Hafssa Lajla Fetic have, at least for me on a more convincing impression made. Maike is unsuitable because of their party affiliation to represent a partisan body. Sebastian I do not know yet, weshalb ich mir auch kein Vorurteil über ihn bilden möchte.

Der Jugendrat soll ein parteiunabhängiges Gremium unserer Stadt sein! Nach den Wahlen von Donnerstag ist dies durchaus zu bezweifeln.

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass konservative JungpolitikerInnen im Bezug auf den Düsseldorfer Jugendrat negativ auffallen. So wurde bereits im Vorfeld der Wahl mit einem Einheitsflyer (siehe Eintrag vom 15.11.'10 ) geworben.

Bleibt zu hoffen, dass sich die anderen – unabhängigen – Mitglieder des Jugendrates von parteipolitischen Interessen nicht irre führen lassen. Wir sind die Jugend dieser Stadt und wenn uns 'was nicht passt, dann sagen wir das - No matter what the parties think of it!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Best Friends Overlay On Picnik

Zum Valentinstag

for Gerd
about 1982

beloved, long
a meteor flight
your breath.
a bird call long
your skin feel.
a long eyelashes
sink into your eyes.
But a lifetime
dwell in your heart.

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Could I Use Krusteaz Waffle Mix For Pancakes

Die alte Weide

today at the Brucher Dam

from old poems

about 1979

spring in Freiburg at the same

Dümpel, skiff,
the abandoned bridge.
Icy water flows around your
cold wind
zurrt at the cover.
But at Kai
already blooming Pusekätzchen,
on your mast
hear the bird song of spring.

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Friday, February 11, 2011

Inspirational Keepsake Poems


Today the picture is the focus. It is a task set and includes various techniques. including parts of the original pages of my book "beloved friend Lives" with the poem below.


Today I want
rest of my desire, take a breath

in their silence,
listen to the heartbeat,
as it is quiet,
Dein Bild
mit geschlossenen Augen.

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Are My Gums Swollen When I Have Strep Throat?


Gedanken und Worte segeln mit Wolken und Wind, überwinden Grenzen

Irina Stasch hat auf ihrer wunderbaren Literaturwebsite ein neues Liebes-Poetisches Manuskript hinzugefügt: Dialoggedichte zwischen meinem Dichterfreund Gerhard Rombach und mir. Wir schreiben hin und wieder Dialoggedichte. Schreiben sie als Antwort auf Gedichte aus unseren Büchern, unseren Bloggedichten oder senden sie uns mit der Bitte um ein Antwortgedicht zu.

Diese neu veröffentlichte Seite ist sehr schön geworden:

This page also contains poems by me: manuskript17.htm

and then those with poems by Gerhard Rombach: The

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chinese Hairstraightening

Erloschenes Feuer - Swisméni fotiá

memory of a loved one

These poems I post today in memory of a wonderful person. Discussions with him were for me indescribably beautiful. He let me participate in his deep, philosophical thoughts. In the translation of this poem he dipped deep into the ancient Greek language and took my word for "dawn," the transcendent concept of "column, which separates night from day." His death left a gap.

Extinguished fire

The fire,
in the warm I
in night hours,
blazed is in my eyes,
which to ignite me and
promised glowing
went out in the dawn
a southern day .
on scanty Hauf,
Kalter Rauch
in der Blaue des südlichen Sky,
auf das think Stirner

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Swisméni Fotiá.

In Fotiá pu me Zest tis tis Penny nichts,
flógise mesa sta mu mati,
ipóschontan na ke na me pirpolísi m'anápsi,
ómos ésvise tin charawjí aftís tis Noti méras.
Mia midaminí fúchta stáchti,
Krios kapnós stood was tu nótiu uranú,
stood métopó mou o stáchtinos Stavros.

Übersetzung: T. Papagiannopoulos

How To Cover Herpes Scars


click to enlarge

Today again a calendar sheet.
the calendar gave me a dear friend for Christmas. The program comes in addition to their beautiful photos my poems.

The poem was written after talking with a man I really cherished. We discussed his translation of one of my poems in ancient Greek language. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Doujinshi Dragon Ball To See

Im Wald - in the forest - en el monte

wind in the treetops,
sun on frozen trickle
a Grazing deer.
silence - only the
Below, the patter of the dog

on soft ground, the silence
very tight.
A bird's voice,
the crackling in the underbrush,
the call of the returning cranes,
very close.

(c) Annette Gonserowski

Hospice Care Of Southeast Florida

Jugendrat vs. Literaturcafé

What to do this Thursday? Either ...

... or rather (free admission!) from 18:30 clock to the cafe on the Humboldt high school literature?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Happens In Vegas Digital Copy

R.I.P. The Haps

Exactly 365 days (on 06.02.2010) took 300 people in the Düsseldorf Spektakulum attend a funeral. Buried was the era of "The Haps" - time for a little nostalgia :

The name, logo, myspace.

The first "real" gig in the (now former) people.clubbar - once used by Banner.

The only piece with German text - the motto of the concerts.

Whether with dreadlocks ...

... or without.

sometimes also called "scandal tape" on auditorium stages.

In any case politically.

and not always sober ...

photo shoots (now defunct, and even then abandoned) factories ...

... or in the middle of the night in Essen photo studios.

vocal cord inflammation included.

And: Yes. A reunion will not happen. We're not Rage Against The Machine.

Rest In Peace.

image rights at Celine Lardon, Magdalena Nikolitsch, Markus Stenmans, Leo Mayatepek.