Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Do Polish Woman Have Big Boobs

Wahlabsprachen im Jugendrat?!

comment to the second meeting of the second Düsseldorf Youth Council (02/10/2011)

After the 2nd Dusseldorf Youth Council has launched the inaugural meeting last year and the first weekend of planning behind them, the committee has now 31köpfige a speakers team. Also representatives for committees and district councils are elected .

that there must have been before the elections to the speakers to post-fixing, in view of the result can not be doubted. One could almost speak of nepotism. So as to form Jacqueline spit (officer), Maike Klein (1 substitute) and Sebastian Thiel (2nd alternate), the "leadership team". Maike Klein that the CDU heard and they are already seated as a voting member of the District Councils 10 seems not to interfere. Jacqueline also be tables and Sebastian Thiel reputed ties to conservative groups. Should it agree that the two - as rumors is clear - should have led a political excess on the relationship that makes specific are no longer deny the vitamin B-based small group training in the youth council.

I do not want to mention that I myself during the last three years 1st Youth Jacqueline spit and Maike Klein have always gotten along well. This fact is, however, to separate that I think out of place for as spokeswomen.

Jacqueline is my opinion "too nice". I like to let myself think again! In dealing with a resistant management (for example, withheld the results for the "sample space survey" has for a long time), but it takes persistence. The two alternative candidates, and Badi Hafssa Lajla Fetic have, at least for me on a more convincing impression made. Maike is unsuitable because of their party affiliation to represent a partisan body. Sebastian I do not know yet, weshalb ich mir auch kein Vorurteil über ihn bilden möchte.

Der Jugendrat soll ein parteiunabhängiges Gremium unserer Stadt sein! Nach den Wahlen von Donnerstag ist dies durchaus zu bezweifeln.

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass konservative JungpolitikerInnen im Bezug auf den Düsseldorfer Jugendrat negativ auffallen. So wurde bereits im Vorfeld der Wahl mit einem Einheitsflyer (siehe Eintrag vom 15.11.'10 ) geworben.

Bleibt zu hoffen, dass sich die anderen – unabhängigen – Mitglieder des Jugendrates von parteipolitischen Interessen nicht irre führen lassen. Wir sind die Jugend dieser Stadt und wenn uns 'was nicht passt, dann sagen wir das - No matter what the parties think of it!


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