Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tech Deck Where To Buy London
Haha looks, but something we found on our trip ...
the highest mountain in Brandenburg ;-) proud 201m. One could quite easily go up with the bike. Really funny this "mountain".
And what's more, there's even a top book. Hidden in the mailbox. At the time it just hard the next entry ...
Monday, October 20, 2008
How Much To Mechadolls Cost?
Have you ever been to the sun?
No? - Then you break out of a broom
A small piece of cane sneak out
And you secretly out of the house and walk slowly
around the rest
always directly at the sun.
so long until it became completely dark. Then open your
quiet pocket knife murder
this up not murderers.
And if you know the sun does not reach, for the first time
Then it's better,
That you sneak back home.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Epic Bot Runescape For Ubuntu
seems to slow everything to come back into his path. I have now for three weeks internship at a film production. Is really exciting and very interesting. And there is much to do, and not just interns work. Unfortunately, I will
stop there, however, in a week already. A pity. But first, it only went Währe before the end of November, since then the movie is filmed. And secondly, I've now got a three month internship at the company where Sebastian works. And it is perhaps even a chance to continue working there.
all sounds totally great and I am also looking forward to the internship. And finally I can work again with my boyfriend in the same company ... that's really great ... yes I think slowly, everything is good again ....
And we have finally beautiful side of Berlin found ... beautiful autumnal walks in the woods in the area.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
How To Sew In Weave Without Cutting Tracks
Stupid way we found after we moved in that the walls are down a bit wet. After lengthy discussions with our landlord, we could look forward to changes. So moved here on a Thursday at the construction workers. It should take four days. They wanted to beat renew the lower concrete from the walls in the hallway and storage room and and apply various protective agents. Four days, so I agreed. I was unfortunately forced to because of my small jobs all day at home to spend. Unfortunately, the craftsmen were even at seven. Sorry, Sebastian had also at seven to work. So I had to get up at this time ... I had no desire to sleep anyway because further when jumping around in the house the craftsmen. But it got worse. Eventually, she began to look at the cause. Eventually, I came back and they had ripped out the laminate in the entire corridor. We lived the next two weeks on the bare concrete. Yes two weeks ... because, unfortunately, was after those two weeks with no end in sight. And I was nervous at the end. Every day get up at seven. Somewhere in the bedroom and sit around the kitchen, because the other rooms were no longer usable. The bathroom was large mit dem Zeug aus Flur und Abstellkammer zugestelllt und das Wohnzimmer hatten wir auch zusammengeräumt, da dort auch teilweise die Wände bearbeitet wurden. Zumindest saß ich meistens bis 10 Uhr irgendwie rum und versuchte mir die Zeit zu vertreiben. Ich hatte ja leider nicht mal Internet, da unser Anschluss im Flur war und das lag in Brüchen. Vor 10 Uhr brauchte ich eh nicht los, da ja um die Zeit erst die Geschäfte öffnen. So versuchte ich mir die erste Woche meine Zeit zu vertreiben. Zum Glück hatte ich jede Menge Vorstellungsgespräche. Doch in der zweiten Woche wurde es immer schlimmer. Ich hatte einfach keine Ideen mehr und auch keine Lust. Ich wollte einfach mal wieder zu hause sitzen. Doch da war leider das größte Chaos. Den ganzen Crouching day in just kitchens and bedrooms ... terrible. And we could not really move anymore. The way out of the kitchen to the bedroom was a nightmare. From the kitchen out, first time over it boots to get through the hallway, where not a laminate and the chaos was bare. Then again, from shoes to scurry to the next room. And again and again. And all for three weeks .... three weeks ... what should really be only four days. I had had enough. Constantly thrown indirectly out of the apartment, because you could start there before anything. And every day find something with which you can while away the time to be at least earliest deals to 15.30 clock. But this was no hope. For the home was a mess anyway. But after a long three weeks it is finally over ... The walls look good again, I have everything wiped and given to the cabinets again. At last it looks tidy again. At last I can live here again, and me all the days feel like ...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Should A Lasagne Pan Be Covered While Baking
Our first trip to Berlin was the same in the next "world city". Here's the proof:
However, with a description that read a lot to be desired.
We went by train to Storkow and had us looking from there a way out on the web. The visit of the largest Binendüne was able still to some extent from. We even run a little, but having finally found. There was really totally beautiful.
The road to the village, however, turned out to be more difficult than we assumed. We should "at the bank to the station at the office Storkower over until the next crossing." It is simply not wars. The first part went well. Then came a crossroads. Hmm, where is the Storkower Office .. Before us lay the town hall, so let's assume this is meant. Somewhere at the forefront gabs also a railroad crossing. But the way it should be the long run there did not exist anyway. Surprised us before. Nevertheless, we were a little more, we inquired at a nice people. The same also showed us a beautiful road through wheat fields.
Except that this was a few miles longer than the actual, what we have but it never happened. About this still very beautiful detour we arrived in Philadelphia ... a really nice place. From there we drove well. All the time along a beautiful canal. Since we were quite late, we were able to admire the sunset.
Eventually the path led by even a cute little green Garden with a beautiful little cottage. Even in the darkness wirkich great to watch ...
should we arrive at a lock in a smaller place. Only that which is so small, we had not thought of. On one side of the bridge an old barn, on the other a street with a few houses. All around the forest. It should be somewhere the train station where we planned to. But where? Since grad someone ran across the yard, so ask quickly. Ahja ... past the old barn ... na since we had never gone long. By this path we reached a few more houses that resembled a small village. There was also the station signs. We still had 10 minutes, had to contain solutions wir eine ganze Stunde auf den Zug warten. Also gingen wir schnellen Schrittes voran, immer darauf gefasst, den Zug in der Ferne hupen zu hören. Doch schließlich konnten wir dann doch gemütlich nach Hause fahren.
Trotz allem war das mal ein echt toller und aufregender Ausflug gleich an den Grenzen von Berlin. Und echt wunderschöne Natur.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Homemade Roll Cage Buggies Blueprint
Bedmen yarasa adam (Turkey 1973)
Director: Savas Esici
Starring: Levent Cakir, Emel Özden, Altan Günbay, Nalan Coel, Ceyhan Cem, Renan Fosforoglu, Nurettin Kaygisiz, Yilmaz Kurt, Hüseyin Sayan, Mehmet Ugur
If the police has limitations, Batman is called (in this case Bedmen). The avenger of the night together knows no mercy and with his assistant, Robin, he also solves the most difficult cases. In Bedmen yarasa adam has it in a super villain on the loose women in town. Ruthlessly pursued and killed them. A difficult case for the masked hero, but in this case, the love of a woman ...
1973 turned emulate this Turkish plagiarism of the old, iconic Batman series with Adam West and Burt Ward. Technical equipment you have but to accept some setbacks. There is no Batmobile, Batcave and not any gimmicks, but only two Turks in the jumpsuit, but even this point is something only half-heartedly implemented. Most of the film running our heroes unmasked by the Area and its really no big secret identity seems to be. So once Batman is friend, along with a doctor outside his front door and calls out his name.
Spiced up, the whole thing with a good dose of sex, which leads to some slightly bizarre scenes, such as Batman and Robin in the strip club or Batman, who gets a prostitute from the street line for a quick point to take home.
The music should be composed almost completely stolen from various sources. Starting with James Bond to Ennio Morricone, who contributes (involuntarily) some music. Besides music, one has gemopst also still the same character of Blofeld from James Bond. This is also the super-villain with the cat in her arms.
Easy girl, Amplified Turks and stolen music. Sounds not only entertaining, but it is.
7 / 10
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Shortness Of Breath Tight Chest
Nach mindestens 20 genervten Anrufen bei unserem Anbieter und weiteren zwei Wochen warten bis ein T-Com-Mitarbeiter auftaucht und feststellt, dass beim ersten Mal die Leitung falsch angeschlossen wurde, bin ich nun endlich wieder mit dem World Wide Web verbunden.
- 30 Umzugskartons einpacken und 30 Umzugskartons Unpack
- build furniture apart and try together get to
- hours of Den-movers-watch production
- a broken mirror
- hours of brushing
- a nice flight to Berlin
- conversations with the police
- distraught tantrums of neighbors
- again hours of brushing
- at least 100 anchors in concrete walls
- a molten drill
- a trip to Bautzen
- an asset-by leave-Ikea-
- some failed login attempts on the citizen offices because of a strike
- and a lot of despair because of a Internet access
we are finally really arrived in Berlin.
looks after almost two weeks now from the apartment really well. From the curtains in the kitchen still missing apart. But getting there
was pretty nerve-wracking.
We were lucky and were able to take a moving company. Therefore, we did not have much trouble with transportation. Because of the great cars we have had as a precaution in Berlin set up a no parking zone, there is little space in front of the house. But when we get there (we are currently moving car because) we could hardly believe it. Our No Parking Zone had been parked fully ... What should we do now ... Moving the car should advance soon. So we decided to call in short, the police, finally was really our open space. The course lasted forever until there were ... In the meantime, drove two times already and totally annoyed the neighbors off their cars. An owner has made the police then identified and one had to eventually be towed. The whole thing has brought us one hour delay. But the rest of the day has gone quite well.
Yes, and give the apartment and hang pictures, has turned out to be more difficult than we had thought. We here in this old building such stupid thick concrete walls, that it actually melted a bit forward. The time now is nice and smooth. Well, somehow with a lot of trouble and despair, we have finally managed to get at least 100 plugs into these impenetrable walls.
Now we have it after 14 days almost done here to recover completely, some things are missing, but this will work out somehow.
We even had time to learn about the local area ... and will continue in the coming days will continue to ...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Table Showers In Kansas City
Unfortunately, I was just at this interesting game on the way back from Berlin. I sat in the train and was still reading when suddenly someone "gateway" called. "Goal for Germany." Well, I thought. But I read more times. A short time later another call, this time more subdued: „Gegentor“. Na toll, jetzt war meine Barrikade gebrochen. Ich dachte eigentlich, da ich im Zug sitz, halt ich es vielleicht ohne Fußball aus... Aber nein, jetzt war es zu spät... Gut, das es im ICE diese kleinen Radioanlagen zwischen den Sitzen gibt. Ich krame also meine Kopfhörer raus und suche einen Sender... und finde tatsächlich einen, der live überträgt. Super, nun kann ich mir entspannt das Spiel anhören... Doch es sollte lange nichts passieren. Irgendwann in der zweiten Halbzeit überleg ich mir dann mal die Toilette aufzusuchen. Natürlich war die besetzt. Und wie es nicht anders sein sollte, höre ich plötzlich von überall her Tor-Rufe. Der Mann, der mir schräg gegenüber sitzt, beugt in the course and a two shows with his fingers. Super, so I've missed then this gate ... Then finally back to my place so I get with even the equalizer. Meanwhile, we are approaching Munich. This is unfortunately the last stop. The announcement came just for this station. But all sit spellbound. Surely it can not be that emanating now draw. But suddenly the cheering starts ... The third goal for Germany. Everywhere Joy, all are enthusiastic. But the game is still running, it could still happen. We run mittlweile already in Munich. But most, especially men, remain in their headphones and wait for the final whistle. And then he comes at last. Exactly in the moment when the train in Munich's main train station stops. All are super excited and get out of temper.
That was a completely different way to travel. Football welded together now ...
Scabs On Inside Of My Nostrils
... we're going to Berlin.
No, we move to Berlin. We leave our paradise and move to the big city.
It's finally ready. We have decided to seek work elsewhere. Sebastian has been what, and I'm getting close.
And besides, we also need time to go there, where life is raging Sun Finally, it was pretty quiet here. But beautiful ... It was just the best time ... I think I miss it already ... The Allgäu is easy wunderbar.
Doch irgendwann muss man mal seine Sachen packen und weiterziehen. Und schließlich ist Berlin eine Stadt, wo man was erleben kann...
Ich warte schon auf unser erstes Abenteuer...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Trileptal Failure Complex Partial Seizures
Wir schreiben den 20. Juni 2008. Der ganze Wald ist voll von braunen vertrockneten Laubblättern. In ein paar Metern liegt der erste Schnee. Ja, wir sind immer noch in Deutschland und Mitten im Sommer. Naja, aber auf rund 1200 Metern Höhe.
Wir hatten diesmal beschlossen eine richtig tolle Klettertour zu machen. Also machten wir uns auf nach Ehrwald in die Zugspitz Arena.
Es sollte einiges auf mich zukommen, darauf war ich gefasst. Doch es sollte das noch übersteigen. Angefangen hat alles mit einem netten kleinen Forest, which was then increasingly steep and rocky. Then there was also the whole forest full of leaves or leaves. And we always had the Zugspitze in view and we have seen increasingly as we gained altitude. At some point, quite exhausted, we finally reached the tree line. And the road was getting worse. Now we had to cope with the next piece through a boulder field. A huge rock fall in the mountains and we had to go through it, or as high.
But with patience and sure-footed they came vorran well and we reached the plateau and from where you have a great view of surrounding mountains and down into the valley had to Ehrwald.
Dann stand uns das schlimmste Stück bevor. Oder besser gesagt mir, denn Sebastian ist den Weg schon mal gegangen. Wir mussten die steile Felswand hinauf. Über Felsen klettern und schmale Wege begehen, und immer den Blick auf die Schlucht, die mindestens 600 m in die Tiefe führte... ja, das erste Stück war echt nicht lustig, wenn einem da so Gedanken kommen, was passieren könnte, wenn man wirklich abrutschen sollte... Unvorstellbar... Doch wenn man langsam und mit Bedacht vorwärts geht, kommt man gut vorran. Teilweise waren auch Drahtseile gespannt um einen besseren Halt zu bekommen. Doch alles in allem war es ein toller und aufregender Weg. Man sollte nur vermeiden als zu oft nach unten zu schauen...
arrived And on top, the scenery was even more fantastic. Green meadows with flowers, in between some rocks and surrounded by the huge mountains. Beautifully ... Much better it was then after a few meters, we reached the lake. Beautiful blue water surrounded by huge mountains and in the background, the Zugspitze. A great place to first to take a break.
The way back was a little longer, but not so steep. He led us through more ways to Ehrwalder hut. On our way we could still observe a sheep transport. A normal truck from which nearly 50 sheep were running. The trick was that there were several stories and a kind of lift in the vehicle. Unthinkable.
are amazing and all the ants are there in the mountains. As you can see almost all three-meter somewhere in the forest an ant heap. I found one that was almost as big as me. At the hut
Ehrwalder arrived, then ran a couple of horses on the loose. Total tame. You could even just caress Sun Somehow we came up with the idea, but to take a picture of me as I sit on the horse. So we looked for a horse that had grazed all the time and not really moving as we rankamen. Sebastian helped me up ... and the stupid horse ran off suddenly. For a brief moment I could hold still and then I saw the ground coming at me ... Since I have this daredevil climb safely over, and then I fall off the horse. Real funny ... But I survived habs. A graze on his arm and some bruises on the back part, otherwise everything is still intact. The descent then I have also done it without problems. Totally exhausted, we finally reached the train and went back.
Definitely a great adventurous trip.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
We had again planned to visit and take a hike. We had a great route ausgesucht.Doch then there were incidents that at all were not included or could not be included. It all started in a field that we had to cross. The Allgäu is the standard that is often marked hiking trails lead through meadows, but this time when we ungenutzte.Doch which opened a Weidentor, we heard from quite far bells ringing. And suddenly appeared from behind the next hill three cows. We were surprised at first and then the stupid cows but were actually running towards us. Fortunately, there were in the pasture near the woods three adjacent standing trees behind which we hid quickly. And somehow the cows then also no longer interest us. And we were able to rest across the pasture. But I thought it was not a good sign. It should not happen ... The rest of the hike, however, was good and it was again very beautiful. But when we wanted to begin the return journey should wait for a surprise on us. Sebastian and I went that way ever and then we got nothing in your way. But this time when we reached the pasture, we had to cross, but actually there was a herd of cows. And we absolutely had to go through it because it was too big to handle them. I have immediately refused. Who knows what cows do with people who do not know. However, Sebastian has had the courage and entered the first to pasture in order to see how far you come from. But what has come out here, you see here:
some point he is back from the stone down and then ran to the other side. A few cows have followed him, but the others were waiting for us ...
Our visit is behind and then had to convince to come along too. So we have slowly entered the pasture, and also have run slowly on it happening. Initially have watched the cows, but then they came slowly towards us. I had a bad feeling about it. And what makes our visit ... shouting at the cow at once. Is stopped and has looked quite shocked what happened. So we ended up slowly crossed the pasture. Always the cows, die sich um uns herum verteilten im Auge. Und wenn uns eine zu nahe kam, schrie unser Besuch sie wieder an... und immer wieder blieben die Kühe erschrocken zurück. So kamen wir zwar langsam, aber trotzdem voran. Und wir konnten uns die Kühe so gut es ging vom Leib halten...
Ja, man muss eben auf alles gefasst sein, wenn man im Allgäu wandern geht... auch auf „wildgewordene“ Kühe. Doch es war auf jeden Fall lustig. Zumindest weil uns die Kühe nicht zu nah gekommen sind....
Friday, May 30, 2008
Washer Toss Dimensions
Kara Murat Seyh gaffar'a karsi (Turkey / Italy 1976)
Director: Natuk Baytan, Ernst Hofbauer
Starring: Cüneyt Arkin , Daniela Giordano, Pasquale Basile, Sercin Erdem, Yavuz Selekman, Hüseyin Alp, Kadir Savun, Turgut Özatay, Atilla Ergun
Mustapha, administrator of a province has the Mameluke Khan continues to refuse to pay taxes. Among his followers he has doubled the total Herrscher ernennen lassen und hat deren vollständige Untergebenheit. Der Kahn schickt seinen besten Krieger Kara Murat um Mustapha etwas auszuspähen, bevor er sein Heer in die Schlacht zieht. Doch Mustapha kontert und entführt Kara Murats Bruder und schafft es auch diesen zu einem seiner Gefolgsleute zu machen. Für Kara Murat ist die Sache nun persönlich und tatsächlich schafft er es über Mustaphas Prinzessin in sein Schloss zu kommen...
Die italienisch-türkische Co-Produktion ist in gewisser Weise schon ein Kuriosum. Regie führt neben Natuk Baytan auch Ernst Hofbauer (unter dem Pseudonym Herb Al Bauer), die Hauptrolle spielt Cüneyt Arkin und den Film darf man sich als eine Mischung aus Kung-Fu und orientalischem Abenteuerstreifen . Imagine Similar Hofbauer, two years prior to that with Karate, kisses, blonde cats. Exotic locations mixed with Kung Fu Acrobat. At that time, of course, some quality, because the Shaw Brothers Studios acted as co-producer.
Kara Murat plays in the East, with typical elements such as the mighty Kahn, an evil renegade, a beautiful princess and Ali Baba and his 40 thieves are housed in a subplot. Somewhat unusual is that Cüneyt Arkin does not play an upright, shining heroes, but rather refers to the role of the anti-hero. After the kidnapping of the brother's revenge and villains ruled ever left to die in the desert. As Hercules and Kara Murat with superhuman strength is provided, so that for him an easy opponent is wildly into the air. Arkins fighting style, however, resembles "Dünyayi Kurtaran adam" (Turkish Star Wars). Very excessive, if his character would be a bit cynical, you could put him completely in the comic corner.
time of this exaggerated comic-like elements apart, Kara Murat also works as an adventure film. The costumes and decor are very good, exciting plot set in the final scene and very explosive.
Absolutely recommended.
7 / 10
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Home Depot In Brampton Hiring
Irgendwann kamen wir auf die Idee das Allgäu mal mit dem Fahrrad zu erkunden. So würden wir wenigstens mehr sehen als immer nur zu Fuß.
Unsere erste Tour war fast eine Tagestour. Doch das problematischste war, dass wir uns einfach auf den Weg machten. Wir suchten uns irgendeine Tour auf der Karte raus und fuhren los.
Das erste Problem kam schon als wir den ersten See umrundet hatten. Wir wollten einfach in den nächsten Ort. Laut Karte gab es dort einen Weg. Allerdings über einen Berg… so dass wir leider die Fahrräder schieben mussten. Und dann hörte der Weg plötzlich auf… Dort war zwar der Wald gerodet doch es gab keine Anzeichen dafür, dass hier mal ein Weg existiert hatte. So mussten wir unsere Fahrräder irgendwie durch den Wald bringen oder erst mal den Berg hoch. Zum Glück war der nicht grad sehr hoch. Doch das letzte Stück war der Hammer. Da gings doch tatsächlich mit fast 70 % Steigung a short distance up. That would have been difficult to walk ... and then still get the bike up there ... so much fun ... But somehow we had it then made it. Now we were thus in a forest on top of this hill and had us on the other side somehow beat again down ... Well, at least we arrived safely on the grass and have found our way forward ... The was also the first one without problems . Up to this bridge. Where to go in, right should, according to planning. But there was no road. There was nothing to see ... But then we saw the sign ... and the road. A little sweet walk, which began immediately with a pitch. Na toll, so viel zu unserer Planung. Sebastian macht sich also auf um mal den Weg zu checken. Ich bleibe da und such schon mal eine neue Tour raus, die uns auch zu unserem Ziel führt. Und wie gedacht, gings da nicht für Fahrräder weiter. Also mussten wir umplanen und unsere Tour auf der Straße weiterführen. Das ging auch ganz gut und wir kamen endlich am Rottachsee an, der zweite auf unserer Reise. Dort war es zumindest wunderschön… Auch die Weiterfahrt nach Hinter´m Buch und Auf´m Buch verlief zwar unermüdlich berghoch, doch ohne weiter Zwischenfälle. Die kamen erst danach. Sebastian hatte doch wieder beschlossen einen Wanderweg für die Rückreise zu nehmen. Und der führte of things to get across a field to the next farm. And from there things started to get better and better. We had actually decided yet for a red-marked trail. So that's one that is not easily accessible. And with the bike ... First, we have found the way not even know he was very poorly marked and then I wanted to turn back now ... it was now with proper slope to serpentine through bushes below. And then the cycle with you, although you could hardly keep walking. You can see it on the next screen as "beautiful" the road was.
arrived Down It then went on a field down further to Unter'm book. And from there the road downhill ever ... so it can be driven bicycle ...
Here you can again see the entire tour down the mountain:
The mountain was way steeper than it looks.
are home, we then followed the road and arrived without further incident.
conclusion of this tour: If you open my bike up with, take the side roads rather than try it on trails. At least here in the foothills ... But it was definitely an adventure and made fun despite the circumstances. That's it worth, in any case ...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Signs Scorpio Man Interested
Tarzan korkusuz adam (Turkey 1974)
Director: Kunt Tulgar
Cast: Yavuz Selekman, Yesim Yuksel, Altan Günbay, Kudret Karadag, Gulgun Erdem, Arap Celal, Hakki Kurt, Ali Ardic
A professor travels with his daughter of one of his assistants to Africa to search for a treasure. The dangers of the jungle underestimated the troop Tarzan comes to the rescue. In the fight against crocodiles, angry natives and various forces of nature finally find Tarzan and the daughter of the professor together.
Me Tarzan, you Ayse. Another piece of Hollywood that has seen a new interpretation by the Turkish cinema. The plot is straightforward and applied to the old Tarzan movies. A handful of adventurers in Africa, various dangers, Tarzan saves the day. Seen it all before. In this case, it is to be taken even literally, as are roughly 1 / 3 of the scenes from other films. A large proportion of allegedly from Tarzan's Revenge 1938th As a rule of thumb: If any animal or something more elaborate scene to see, it is probably from another movie, especially since these scenes are also much darker than the rest of the film. As a primal scream on the other hand you have the famous Johnny Weissmuller used reputation. In fact, the film is quite pointless. All the good scenes from other films and in between we see several Turkish performers by the forest run. The scenes were cut, however, quite well in the rest of the story is in and in the end it is a further curiosity from Turkish lands.
director Kunt Tulgar turns 5 years later the Turkish Superman and played the villain in "The Deathless Devil."
5 / 10
What Happens When Low Hematocrit And Hemoglobin
Now everything has somehow gone down the drain because of the insolvency of our company, we decided to at least move in together. But that was more difficult than expected.
We had decided to remove my apartment. A new tenant was found not so difficult. But there were still the furniture. My sister wanted some back, have since it would also take off soon. So things had to return to Saxony. And there started the problem.
We had a car to get from the operation of my father. As had we take only two routes. With a rental car, we could make the car quite elsewhere. So I am sat down and calculated all the offers of well-known car rental agencies. And soon found himself as effective, which was only slightly behind the offer of my father. So we called there and made an appointment. Now, it proceeded to evacuate all together and dismantle.
moving date was Friday. We were ready and went with the bike on the way to get the van. It was quite a long way since the rental was out of town. Unfortunately it started raining then too. First only slightly. Finally we reached our destination and asked for our car. "Yes, there is only one problem. The car had an accident yesterday and is unfortunately not available. We have since, however, another there. "Well, great. The other car was unfortunately just too small ... madness ... it was not even a phone call earlier that the transporter is not there. And the "nice" woman could not or would not help us. I was totally crazy ... but all that could not be had ... We stayed so no choice other than to grab our bikes and ride back. To our great luck, it now began to pour and still feel right. We were in two minutes, completely wet and the weather made no effort to want to stop. On the way back we rattled then all Car Rentals from five other ... only no one had a van in stock. The next one would only have been available again on Tuesday.
I was completely finished. What could we do. At my home had only packed boxes. It was cleared everything. We could not wait until Tuesday. We discussed back and forth, researched the internet to make what could be. We thought even if we take the small but should not. We called again on there, could measure the car ... but he was too small.
Then we decided to call my father and take the truck out of operation. But as fate would have it, this was now also rents further. Auch der war erst wieder am Dienstag verfügbar… Mir schwanden langsam die Hoffnungen. Was wir noch machen konnten, war beim Kundenservice dieses Autovermieters anzurufen und uns zu beschweren. Diese konnten uns doch sicher sagen, wann wieder ein Transporter zur Verfügung steht oder wo die nächste Vermietung hier in der Nähe ist. Wir wollten irgendwie nicht noch länger warten, wir wollten das eigentlich heute abschließen. Doch das Schicksal war komplett gegen uns. Die Frau vom Servicecenter konnte uns auch nicht grad weiter helfen. Also recherchierten wir im Internet, wo denn noch Verleihe dieser Autovermietung in der Nähe sind und telefonierten alle ab. Überall gab es nur schlechte Nachrichten… außer bei einer. Da war noch a small transport available. However, until tomorrow. We could also measure this car back and forth and wondered whether the irrepressible, everything is there in it. We finally had some boxes and a 1.40 m wide wooden slats. We all agreed that it should fit. We called there for at least three times in order to clarify the conditions. Finally, we could not help it that our vehicle was not available. Eventually we got a fixed price on a specified written mileage. That was not much more expensive than the old price. Finally we got the nice gentleman even to the point that we could get the car today, but the lease ran until morning. Finally, yes we had to bring it in 60km away Lindau. There we had to get there for the first time. Meanwhile it was pretty late. The next train was in 30min. We had to quickly look at Google for directions, where is the car rental. Finally, we only had 15 minutes ... After all, we needed to come almost to a bicycle to the station. And to our great luck, we came back again in a downpour. This time, correctly and without break, all the way to the station. We were completely wet ... And how should it be different at all ATMs were queues of people. So in quickly on the switch, and queue jumping to get a ticket. Then the train running ... Finally done ... complete durchnässt ließen wir uns auf die Sitze fallen. Irgendwann zwischendrin stellten wir dann fest, dass wir in einen 1.Klasse-Abteil saßen… Zum Glück kam da kein Schaffner. In Lindau angekommen, schien dann erst mal die Sonne. Die Autovermietung fanden wir auch schnell. Nur leider war der Vermieter grad unterwegs, so dass wir schon wieder warten mussten.
Allerdings sah das Auto groß genug aus… hofften wir zumindest…
Wir bekamen den Transporter zu den vereinbarten Konditionen und fuhren endlich davon… Unterwegs beschlossen wir dann doch noch mal alles zu prüfen… bei den Mietbedingungen was just a hook to be there ... But it was all right. So we could then start the next day so the move.
morning again so get out early. The old things all brought to the recycling center and then pack up the car. This lasted for the size of the van then unfortunately 4 hours, because everything had to be packaged with system. But ultimately, we all get on.
The trip was great and then we arrived safely in Saxony and have things delivered.
The car we had to give back in Dresden. We were a bit late ... because the "nice" car rental company said in Lindau, on Sunday but no one works. But as someone was there ... We put ourselves an excuse deal and gave the car. The owner was bit skeptical and said he would look into the matter. We believe our bad luck we go again ... This can not all be true. We wanted to finally not have to pay a second day of rental. But until now he has not reported yet and perhaps is still all good ...
Finally we made us a beautiful day in Dresden and had this move finally behind us ....
Friday, April 18, 2008
Baby Mittens With Boxing Glove On Them
Vur (Turkey 1972)
Director: Tunç Basaran
Starring: Kadir Inanir, Seyyal Taner, Tunç Oral, Perihan Savas
evil villains kidnap the innocent daughter of a wealthy landowner. This is of course pretty pissed off and deployed two bounty hunters to bring back his daughter. The hiding the culprit is quickly found and our two heroes make short work with them. As a further problem is the arduous return journey proved through the desert, in the lurking next bandits also Indians ... (no guarantee whether it would all really happened, as I piece together to me due to lack of language skills.)
The popular Influences of the spaghetti western ranged even Turkey. In the 70s there were shot in the style of spaghetti western, one of which is Vur. Directed by Tunç Basaran, that already the first Tarkanfilm and the Turkish Version of the Wizard of Oz was filmed. What begins as a standard Spaghetti Western is always turned off in the course and culminates in a surreal finale. There we have as our two heroes, two real bounty hunter. His hat down on his face, his hand fast on the Colt and in search of a kidnapped girl. This is the mercy of the evil bandits on the farm. First, it is interesting turns up as a cowgirl, which is a kind of love-hate has become one of the bounty hunters. A sort of running gag that runs throughout the film and probably the Bad and the Ugly is removed. Alternately, the two tie to trees or steal the clothes, while the other is always in the bath. The abducted Girl is saved, the wicked swallow blue beans. This is the date on which the movie is always strange. In addition to a kind of love story by another bounty hunter with the girl some offenders back to my body. In addition to bandits who try to rape the girl, also appear to some as Indians disguised Turks. The wigs are identifiable as such, the clothing is inappropriate (I somehow doubt that Indians are said to have borne a kind of jagged crown) and the face paint looks a bit half-heartedly. However, these Indians abduct the two girls, but instead of a cozy rape followed by scalping of the girls prefer the Semirothäute lieber eine Prügelei untereinander, wobei eine der Perücken dran glauben muss. Wirklich seltsam wird es erst als sie beschließen mitten in der Wüste um die beiden Mädels zu tanzen. Aber dann tauchen die beiden Kopfgeldjäger auf, töten die Indianer und die Reise durch die Wüste geht weiter. Wer glaubt noch bizarrer wird es nicht, hat sich schwer getäuscht. Banditen entführen das Cowgirl, die vergewaltigt, gefoltert und ermordet wird (nichts davon ist wirklich explizit zu sehen, alles wird nur angedeutet). Die restlichen Drei eilen zu Hilfe, allerlei Bösewichter tauchen auf, darunter auch der Anführer der Entführerbande, der gleich wieder ins Gras beißt. Die dann folgenden Bilder spotten any form of logical thought. It may well be that the end was hard to find and it has cobbled together more or less anything, because as the movie ends you probably really only guess. If this was really thought so, I'm impressed really hard.
Musically one can guess from which movie the music was just stolen by Morricone, only the theme song was played in again. Morricone several different pieces were driven by the synthesizer. May seem strange, but quite successful.
Vur is a curiosity that will increase more and more into an absolutely bizarre finish.
7 / 10
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Special Sword Cartoons
Seat 4:
Scottish art ...
3rd place:
Ohne Worte
Platz 2:
Der letzte Tag. Wir hatten am Vortag unserem Gastgeber Bescheid gesagt, dass wir gern zeitiger frühstücken wollen um den Bus noch zu erreichen. Wir gehen also gemütlich runter ins Esszimmer… Das Radio war wie immer aus… Kaffee war allerdings schon da… doch es fehlten noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten.
Ich wollte dann doch noch mal sicher gehen und nach dem Bus schauen, ob der auch wirklich fährt und bin noch mal schnell rüber an die Straße gelaufen um nachzusehen. Ich komm zurück, zur Haustür rein und was seh ich… da steht unser Gastgeber im kurzen Morgenmantel…
Greetings, Sebastian go back into the dining room. And then I comes behind the dog. Our host has to come so for better or worse with the robe inside us, the dog again to get back ... but who would not hear so right ... the master of the house was in this situation, obviously confused ...
A short time later he was ready to be moved back and has asked about when will the bus ... and then hurry with the food preparation ... so we still were able to leave in time ... But not without a smile on your face ...
Yes, I was once again runner in this category ... Our
erster Tag. Wir waren beim Urqhart Castle und wollten uns noch kurz ins Cafe setzen. Sebastian ist Ewigkeiten die Theke auf und ab gelaufen, um sich was zum Essen auszusuchen. Ich habe vor der Kaffeekarte gestanden und diese studiert. Nachdem er endlich was zu Essen gefunden hatte und zahlen wollte (er hatte ja das Geld einstecken) hab ich noch schnell meine Bestellung abgegeben. Geistesabwesend wie ich mittlerweile war, sagte ich: „Isch hätt dann noch een Cafe Latte…“
In Tennessee Does Real Estate Go Through Probate
Heute geht es dann wieder nach Hause. Wirklich schade, es war echt eine tolle Zeit hier in Schottland…
Was man zu diesem Tag noch sagen könnte… nachdem wir 15 Stunden nur unterwegs waren. Schaut euch doch einfach mal an with which we were traveling ...
Yes that was our vehicle flight from Inverness to Edinburgh. Real nice, right?? Well, at least there had been a good overview of the Highlands of Scotland, as this small plane was not exactly flying high.
Oh, the thing with the money. Today we had expenses for bus, taxi to the airport, a coffee and a few things to eat.
Conclusion: We still have 35 pounds left over ... what is the equivalent of about 50 € ... that is, our money had just passed so ... we would "save" the changes may ...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Drugstore Eyeshadow Primers
Bei unserer Ankunft am Clansman Harbour fragten wir uns schon wie wir wieder nach Hause kommen sollten. Der Bus hatte uns gerade genau vor dem Hotel rausgeworfen. Auf der anderen Straßenseite gab es aber keine Haltestelle, nur eine Parkbucht. Aber nirgends ein Hinweis, dass da ein Bus halten könnte. Wir waren irgendwie verunsichtert. Doch der Busfahrer hatte uns gefragt, ob wir eine Rückfahrt haben wollen. Also musste es irgendwie wieder zurückgehen. Doch wir entschlossen uns erst einmal unsere Bootstour zu machen und dann weiter zu sehen.
Die weitere Geschichte bis wir von der Wanderung zurück kamen, kennt ihr ja. Die nette Frau von der Rezeption hat uns erzählt, dass es hier in Schottland nichts ungewöhnliches ist, wenn man sich an the road is easy and the bus stops by a show of hands. That is quite normal here. However, we would have to go to the parking bay at the side of the road so the bus can keep it. Well, we wanted to try it.
The departure time of the next bus was right now. So we ran to the parking bay. Was he perhaps already over. We waited five minutes, 8 minutes ... finally got one around the corner. We raised her hand and waved ... nothing happened. The bus came closer .... I raised my hand again ... and finally flashed the bus and stopped in front of us in the parking bay. We paid as usual and went back to our village.
Another unusual are the kamikaze driver. One must really have no fear an seiner Endhaltestelle anzukommen. Dass die Autofahrer hier total verrückt sind, haben wir ja schon festgestellt. Aber selbst die Busfahrer rasen hier auf Teufel komm raus über die Straßen... die hier wirklich nicht breit sind. Wir hatten einmal einen Fahrer, der heizte im Dunkeln mit umgerechnet 120 km/h über die Straßen... und so ging es fast jedes Mal. Echt krass, wenn Busse von Autos ausgebremst werden und nicht anders herum.
Kommen wir also wieder zum Tagesgeschehen. Mit dem Bus sind wir dann also weiter nach Fort Augustus, wo wir ja eigentlich hin wollten. Mittlerweile war es aber schon zu spät um irgendwelche Wanderungen zu unternehmen. Wir fuhren also nur dahin um uns den Ort einmal anzuschauen.
Nach einer langen Fahrt immer am See entlang, erreichten wir schließlich Fort Augustus. Und waren erst einmal irritiert.... Wir hatten uns das eigentlich anders gedacht... dies war nur in kleiner netter Fischerort... wir dachten er wäre etwas größer.... Doch was solls. Wir machten uns erst einmal auf den Weg zum Hafen, oder zum See. Von hier hatte man einen wunderschönen Blick über die Weiten von Loch Ness.
Hier wäre auch der ideale Ort um Nessie zu beobachten… und hier blieben wir auch eine Weile und bewunderten die tolle Aussicht.
Irgendwann gingen wir dann noch eine kleine Runde und bewunderten den Ort, der nicht groß, but really nice ... was
It even small rabbits were in the park who wanted there simply rumhüpften ...
the evening we drink, then another hot chocolate before the next bus back continued ... the last way. So we are clean in a nice little restaurant. There we have only a 10 minute wait until the waiter came over at all ... he was somehow responsible alone for everything ... The queue for the kebab and pizza orders got bigger and bigger ... and our time is getting shorter ... when we had at only 10 to the time where we again wanted to go to the bus stop, we decided to leave the restaurant ... to drink for the second time this holiday ... this time because we did not feel like the chocolate in five minutes ... if anything ... So we had no bus back . And are also well received.
spending today: around 45 pounds for boat tours, bus and evening shopping