Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pvr Count Towards Ratings?


Below you will read an appropriate poem to the current (04/2011) SPIEGEL-called "burnout - that overextended ego:
Cold withdrawal from the strongest of all drug
overwhelmed by thoughts poisoned and cheated
doubt about doubt about doubt about doubt
Fluorescent yellow light just a little bit makes light
diseases and Wehwechen cover pain
which there are very centrally in the heart
apathy in all areas
Because all any of the seven sins same
vegetating away and sprinkle can
are still not regarded as a right way

"Hell is other people!"
as they move through life
The so-called members of the crown of God's creation
Whether with or without a link, it offers only exhaustion
life, striving, fighting and lose
the dying, loving, secure and Riskier'n
The anger and hatred, the feelings that are large
The death instinct, Satan, while most famously

Who is the question?
answers without meaning.
letter out of desperation:
I'm just who I am.

You are each other who you are.
We are just who we are.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Peanut Butter At 17 Months?

Für mich beduetet ESC - Escape!

Here I refer to a review of the Düsseldorf initiative "Right to the City" on "Euro Vision Song Contest and gentrification in Dusseldorf" instead

Social Dusseldorf Euro Vision Song Contest will

Today it starts: The medially directed ESC fever that infected for hope of a city tour and Mayor Elbers soon the whole town together with its inhabitants. But one thing is clear: We and many others inside düsseldorfer are immune, we do not keep up. For us, ESC - ESCAPE! ESC the Hype!

What have we Düsseldorf city from the ESC, which have not a hotel, restaurant or taxi?

The ESC is a great opportunity for the city to showcase itself internationally. This is good for the economy. It's in the paper. But what is presented here and who benefits?
Most düsseldorfer sure nothing inside. The Song Contest is funded by public money subsidizes the hoteliers and restaurant owners, but not the people who have always been little. And if the short event hysteria has abated, we still live here. In a city where rents are already among the highest nationwide - and growing. And in the future is threatening massive housing shortage. But instead of affordable housing policy promotes the sale of their land and buildings to investors who build more luxury homes. The gentrification in the districts will be forced and the expulsion of financially weak düsseldorfer in to the redevelopment of the city is politically desirable. Even more than 700,000 sqm of office vacancy, while a further depreciation provided for glass office palaces are authorized to speak for themselves.

The city cleans out the - But what's behind the facade?

This is based on a system: Our city is regarded as a brand, applying it must be shed as a company that profits need. In the battle for most investors and the wealthiest residents lose those who can afford all this or not do. And all who take their right to town anyway and it upset the urban consumer paradise, distributed increasingly and systematically monitored and harassed. Public places where you can, without having to spend money to stop, are decimated further and further, regulated and privatized.
Und immer mehr schaffen es überhaupt nicht mehr bis in die Innenstadt: Sie verlieren durch die immensen Kosten für Miete und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel oder durch den Absturz in Hartz 4 den Anschluß an das kulturelle und soziale Leben der Stadt. Während für ESC, Wehrhahnlinie, Kö-Bogen u.a. Unsummen verbraten werden, steht z.B. die Finanzierung eines Sozialtickets immer noch in den Sternen. Aber zum Glück wird der ESC ja auch im Fernsehen übertragen.

Uns verwundert nicht, dass Düsseldorf sich bei der Bewerbung um den ESC durchgesetzt hat. Geld, Wirtschaftlichkeit oder demokratische Verfahrensweisen spielen für die Stadtpolitik, wenn es um Prestige geht, keine Rolle. Da werden vom OB independently ever million promised confidentiality agreements signed with the NDR, kept secret the true costs or small expected, invented a fictitious advertising value or constructed for 3 Fortuna games a disposable stadium for 20,000 spectators.

If today the media inflated and the city supposedly quite Dusseldorf forced to ESC is fever, then we know that is not true. For many of Düsseldorf's problems other than an interest for song contest and legitimate criticism of this urban gentrification, urban competition, privatization and insecurity. That is why we say:

Escape the Hype! A social Dusseldorf for all instead of prestige projects and trend events!
affordable housing and livable neighborhood instead of office vacancy and gentrification!
Dusseldorf: 0 points!

Source: www.rechtaufstadt.org

Friday, January 14, 2011

People Seeing My Freinds On Facebook

Incoming sea Women / Endless Night

Denizden gels Kadın / Sonsuz Gece

Turkey 1978 Director: Yücel Uçanoğlu
Actor: Zerrin Egeliler, Ünsal Emre, Nejat Özbek

On a rainy afternoon, a little bedraggled man gets out of a coach . He walks the streets and sees in a fashion business, the beautiful Leyla, who just tried on a new dress. He follows her to her home to be raped there. Leyla awakened after the torture and killing their tormentors with a harpoon. It eliminates the traces of the crime and buried the corpse in the sea. Short time later, her husband Ahmet comes from a flight home. Leyla does not show it and the terrible event seems to forget, until one day a mysterious stranger appears in town. He searches for the dead man and it creates Leyla indeed something to do. From then on she is being blackmailed by the stranger ...

"Sonsuz Gece" is a very fine Exploitationreißer from Turkey, which focuses particularly on sex and violence. The plot itself is very well thought out and properly staged. The Rape & Revenge story is only the prelude to a more massive scale extortion scenario. Due to lack of knowledge of Turkish Language seemed to me especially the second part a bit cryptic. Just as I was able to decipher it, the Vergwaltiger in the beginning of a gang of criminals stole some money, which would bring the mysterious stranger back in his possession. It seems to me this was again a reference from overseas copies, which was common practice in the Turkish film industry. Film itself, which was allegedly copied, I can not but call. Sometimes, however
was applied too thick. Our scruffy fellow from the beginning, which is after Leyla stuck in the truest sense of the word on the window of the fashion business moves when Leyla straight. In the following rape he is also still faces a variety of what provides some unintentional comedy.
The main role of Leyla Zerrin Egeliler plays, the first lady of Turkish exploitation films. Where the name Egeliler stands on it, one can usually expect even nudity and "Sonsuz Gece" there is no exception dar. Whether or changing clothes in the shower, Egeliler woman shows what she has and she brings a very extensive Filmography added.
The background music was stolen back again. Ennio Morricone was recovered two and quite groovy rock music that was used well and appropriately, no comparison to many other musical cobbler. Generally, there are from the technical side to criticize anything. Here do have people that worked on it knew what they did and that is by no means a matter of course with footage from the corner.

"Sonsuz Gece" is ordinary Exploitationware from Turkey with Sex and Violence and something to Thriller. Definitely worth a look, but in the end it probably all just stolen, but at least stolen good. Recommendation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chipotle Anti Candida Diet

Stufenparty "ice cold"

The stage 13 of the Annette von Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium celebrates " ice cold " this Friday, 14/1/2011, in Soyuz to Monheim! Hourly drink specials, Taxi transfer from 0 clock, lots of cool people and good music to wait by the top DJ for you! Be there! :)

... and in four months, I've already written my high school exams behind me. Crazy how fast time flies!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Answering Message Sample

Über den sozialen Wandel in Deutschland

Below I publish my second quarter work in the social sciences-extra course on social change in Germany:

+ + + discussed

Germany about social change. Banker and philosophers, professors, stockbrokers, and published last year, publications on the topic [1]. It is a broad area: the population structure, the economic system, the health system, the state and political system, cultural system, the system of settlements and also the communication system are provided in the current form of the question. The social structure of our society is changing constantly - and these snapshots are analyzed by contemporary authors. In other words

read up the article to be examined it, capitalism is "a monster". Consequently, there is the, question whether the effects of the industrial revolution, which is known to mark the beginning of modern capitalism, the German people have actually resulted in the depression. " This is supported Surveys in decades not increasing happiness in our society [2]. Speak against "welfare explosion" and "expansion of education" in Germany.

is true that the material prosperity in much of the population by the end of the 2nd World War II - first in West Germany by the "economic miracle" of the 50s, and later by the reunification in 1990 in the former East Germany - has increased markedly, but there is still inequality in Germany. The so-called "East-West gap is understood as the difference between" old "and" new "states (even after 20 years should be unity of "new" states no longer mentioned). Better still, can social inequalities, however, recognize the basis of the sinus environment. These are divided proportionally according to the company social status (lower class, middle class, upper class) and basic orientation (traditional to post modern) of its members.

Furthermore, it applies with a modern social analysis should be noted that the change has been accompanied in addition to industrial and service-oriented society a demographic change. Even before the publication of the alleged violation of a taboo work "Germany abolishes the" Thilo Sarrazin is on problems of integration and population decline been in Germany as an "inevitable destiny" is mentioned. The reasons for this lie mainly in the structural transformation of the family and the pluralization of private life forms. Whether classic bourgeois marriage, unmarried cohabitation (Nelges) or self-determined single life - every life form now seems possible, and above all accepted in many parts of society. In addition the change comes in the work: the former's life-time is for most people has a job as a life stage activity. This has also been recognized Ulrich Beck and the causes of the socio-historical change in its "customization" theory pursued. Since the 1960s three dimensions unfolded: the release dimension Entzauberungsdimension and the control dimension. An increase in a previously unsuspected degree of freedom of action in favor of the individual leads on the one hand to an increase in freedom. On the other hand, the individual loses its social-normative bonds and gets easily overwhelmed with the variety of life-binding structures. The modern citizen is thus subject of freedom and in turn to new constraints. A complete independence of the individual is not in fact possible for Beck - on the contrary - the individual is dependent on the education system, from the labor market and the zeitgeist. If

Ronald Inglehart's theory of value can change is noted that in recent decades, a shift from materialist (economic and physical security needs) towards post-materialist (intellectual and aesthetic satisfaction) occurred value orientations. It should be noted, however, a trend reversal ("change of value change") around the turn of the millennium, which attributed to a yearning for direction and security in times of crisis (the fear of terrorism, the threat of unemployment, ...) could be. If we extend Inglehart's views with those of Helmut Klages is a synthesis of values instead of a decay values must be considered as "the changing values of developments und Erfordernissen der modernen Gesellschaft“ entspricht. Dieser modernen Gesellschaft kommt der „aktive Realist“, ein Mensch, der die Bereiche Pflicht- und Akzeptanzwerte, hedonistisch-materialistische aber auch idealistische Selbstentfaltung hoch einstuft, am nächsten.

Kommen wir nun zurück auf die beiden eingangs erwähnten möglichen Gründe, welche gegen eine zunehmende gesellschaftliche Depression sprächen, nämlich „Wohlstandsexplosion“ und „Bildungsexpansion“ in der BRD: Die „Wohlstandsexplosion“ kann als Mitursache der zunehmenden Individualisierung in Industriegesellschaften gelten. Diese ist aber nicht in jeglicher Hinsicht von Vorteil wie man an can recognize from the following three dimensions of orientation of the "affluent individual". The "expansion of education" is not in itself bad. Now, with more young people in Germany, the high school than a few years make - and counting. Nevertheless, inequality of educational opportunity is undeniable. Disadvantages due to social or ethnic background may not exist if a just society will be sought. Whether a community school and / or full-day school: the debate is not new and should be here also broadens further. Not least, the unequal distribution of income and wealth in Germany, offers a bleak pessimistic thinking. Es gibt Armut in unserem Land (auch wenn diese Armut bei weitem nicht vergleichbar ist mit der in Bangladesch bspw.).

Es bleibt festzuhalten, dass Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik stets in Verknüpfung miteinander stehen. Die politischen Strukturen und Prozesse gehen zurück auf die Sozialstruktur einer Gesellschaft, welche stets einem sozialen Wandel unterworfen ist. Aufgabe der Sozialpolitik ist es, real existierende soziale Ungleichheit in soziale Gerechtigkeit zu verwandeln. Dabei werden die Weichen vor allem in der Wirtschaftspolitik gestellt. Diese wiederum ist abhängig von kontinentalen (EU) und globalen politischen Strukturen und Prozessen. Es ist alles ein riesiges Netz, welches niemals von einzelnen Autoren auch nur für den Moment annähernd vollständig analysiert werden kann – ein System allgemeiner Interdependenz.

Wie wird der zukünftige soziale Wandel unserer Gesellschaft angesichts des demographischen Wandels, der zunehmenden Individualisierung und der Nachwirkungen der weltweiten Banken- und Finanzkrise aussehen? Diese Frage kann nur offen bleiben.

Quellen und Verweise:

„Kapitel B: Sozialer Wandel, Sozialstruktur, soziale Ungleichheit, Sozialpolitik“ aus Sozialwissenschaften – Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik – Band II, Franz Josef Floren (Hg.), Schöningh-Verlag, 2007

[1] „Traktate der schlechten Laune“ von Georg Diez from DER SPIEGEL 48/2010

[2] "Social War" by Richard David Precht from DER SPIEGEL 39/2010 http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-73989843.html

Friday, January 7, 2011

Printable Welcome Greetings For Churches


hungry for satisfaction
search for the meaning of despair
ignorance, the thing being

to think, live
Yesterday, today, tomorrow was
What is left? Lots of worries

longing for knowledge
from the famous
skepticism about new
hate to love create steering damned

, indicate
Leads to misinterpretation
Each species is condemning
From Nation to religion

Image: Tobias Mayatepek
Text: Leo Mayatepek

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cool Things To Write In A Guestbook

Aska susayanlar

Aska susayanlar seks ve cinayet

Turkey 1972 Director: Mehmet Aslan
Starring: Kadir Inanir, Yildirim Gencer Meral Zeren

Ein Mann im schwarzen Trenchcoat, schwarzem Hut, schwarzer Sonnenbrille und einer Narbe im Gesicht tötet Frauen mit einem Rasiermesser. Mine, die mit ihrem Mann Metin in einer eher lieblosen Ehe liebt, sieht sich selbst durch Telefonanrufe und Blumengeschenke von einem mysteriösen Mann bedroht. Durch ihre Freundin Oya lernt sie auf einer Party Yilmaz kennen und verliebt sich in ihn. Als die beiden sich näherkommen wird Mine erpresst...

„Aska susayanlar seks ve cinaye“ ist ein Rip-Off von Sergio Martinos "The Strange Vice of Mrs.Wardh". Das geht mitunter soweit, dass Szenen 1:1 kopiert wurden. Der Film kann dem Original course in any way the water-rich, but everything seems too cheap and sloppy. In just under 60 minutes you get even a bit of sex and violence offered, but something like suspense will not be adjusted easily. Primarily for the more than bumpy section is responsible. Characters are introduced correctly, scene transitions are abrupt and much more than you have to piece together as an afterthought. It is as much an advantage if you know the original film. A medium-heavy disaster is the background music. The music was completely taken over from other films, it has also contributed a little Ennio Morricone unfreiweilig parts of the soundtrack. In some cases, two pieces of music superimposed which sounds absolutely terrible and in some places the music ends suddenly, only to a few seconds later just as suddenly be reinstated.
What remains are a few bloody murder scenes, because fortunately, many of the ladies, which lies in wait for the killer, naked or half naked. Sometimes there are really absurd scenes to drag at a party two women another reason to start his clothes and then a wild catfight.
The film itself degenerates thus a quite strange. Anyone who feels entertained by such things may well take a look, maybe the rest should remain in Mrs. Wardh.

Incidentally, this is not the only Turkish remake of "The Strange Vice of Mrs.Wardh. 1980 "Çirpinis published and goes on a similar track, with a much greater emphasis was placed on the sex scenes.

The film was released together with Ölüler konusmaz ki from Onar Films on DVD.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Silvercity Brampton Half Price Today

dead speak of sex and murder that turns Superman

Ölüler konusmaz ki

Turkey 1970 Director: Yavuz Yalinkiliç
Cast: Aytekin Akkaya, Giray Alpan, Sirri Elitas

Melih Oya and visit an old house in which it comes to mysterious phenomena. Even the coach has warned them and actually appeared at night on a dead man, who kills Melih Oya and deported. A little later appeared on the new teacher Sema, which is also accommodated in the building and confronted with the undead. Together with three friends, she tried to halt the nightmare stop.

horror films were in Turkey has never been particularly poplär. In addition to the lost "Scream" and "Dracula in Istanbul" is "Ölüler konusmaz ki", the third horror movie was ever shot in Turkey and in the early 70s. The film was also lost for many years until it was rediscovered in 2000.
In principle we are dealing with a "Haunted Masion" to film. A great old building, creaking doors, shadows on the walls and the like you get offered. Sounds pretty solid in principle and in fact we have quite a few good scenes filmed. The spirit of the first one as a reflection in the mirror and then see a shadow on the wall is quite good, but has also been used several times. Main problem of the film is once again the small budget and the plot a bit sluggish. The couple at the beginning comes into the house, ghost appears, and even murder appears on the teacher and you get the whole program again scary to see. Something you have applied too thick laughs at the undead, the consistently nasty. One should expect no zombie or the like, because the living dead is just a big man in the raincoat.
it is really bizarre when the score of 2001 is used in mysterious scenes. This somewhat pompous music is not easy to produce goosebumps. Otherwise, a melody was used by an Italian Giallo. I can not think straight but not the title.

Aytekin Akkaya, known from "3 dev adam" and "The Man Who Saved The World" is in the role of Melih see, but not even survive the first 30 minutes.

seen film historically quite an important film / fund, but you have to say that the film quality as its expectations not remit. There are quite a few good scenes, but also a lot of filler.
The film was released by Onar Films on DVD. Quality can certainly be satisfied and you get more time a lot of bonus material offered.

Ho Gauge Paper Buildings

Meine Buchliste

With a little delay: Happy new year together! :) + + +

, I must confess that it is not my own idea. It goes back to an encyclopedia article about Mr. Sarrazin. It stated as a table on each read from his book. Such I have now applied and the columns in read period , Author , title , short comment and categorized note.

can cause such a book list, I highly recommend it. It's good to know what you've already read and what you have been thinking about it. Why - damn it - I started not before that?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Did Doctors Treat Trench Foot In World War 1

Süpermen dönüyor
Turkey 1979
directed by Kunt Tulgar
Starring: Tayfun Demir Güngör Bayrak, Esref Kolçak

One day Tayfun learns from his parents that he was adopted. You have found it in a capsule, which comes from outer space and raised him like his own son. Beside him, also a green stone from the extraterrestrial material kryptonite was on board. Even before his mother finished the cooking, Tayfun has also been packed and moved to a cave. There he is in a projection of his real father explains that he has super powers and he only kryptonite can cause damage. Tayfun since then has worked as a journalist for a newspaper can, on occasion, however, in Superman to help people transform. The evil scientist Ekrem has developed a machine with which one can transform metal into gold. This machine needs but kryptonite as drive means. Professor Hetin is examining a piece of kryptonite, which is stamped on the ground and is thus a target for Ekrem. It can Alev, the daughter of Hetin kidnap to get the kryptonite. Alev but is also the co-worker of Tayfun, who must now deliver more than once from their plight.

The inspiration of "Süpermen dönüyor" you need not look far. Template was Superman von 1978 mit Christopher Reeve in der Hauptrolle. Regisseur Kunt Tulgar hat den Film gesehen und kurz danach versucht ihn zu kopieren, mit doch eher etwas fragwürdigem Erfolg. Die Effekte sind superbillig. Der Film beginnt mit einigen Christbaumkugeln vor schwarzem Hintergrund, die das Weltall repräsentieren sollen (ja, da wurden wirklich Christbaumkugeln verwendet). Ansonsten springt Barbies Freund Ken bei den Flugszenen als Stuntdouble ein. Während im Hintergrund Szenen von Istanbul zu sehen sind, schwebt im Vordergrund Ken an einem Strick durch die Gegend (ja, da wurde wirklich eine Ken-Puppe verwendet). Das war es dann eigentlich auch schon mit den herausragenden Specialeffekten.
Zum Inhalt: Die ganze Vorgeschichte wird recht flott zu Beginning dealt. Since the mother had more food on the stove and few minutes later the son is already out of the house. Moreover, the plot was changed a bit. Instead of an earthquake like the original development of the Turkish Lex Luthor a ray gun. In the context it creates Alev three times to get abducted to be then again rescued by Supermen. Then he went through probably a bit out of ideas at the same old scheme. Alev is kidnapped, Superman is beaten up a few bad guys, she thanked well-behaved, only to later but few go back in the Fale. In conclusion
remains to say that we are dealing here with an ultra-cheap Turkish remake of Superman (one of many by the way). That certainly has its charm in the cost-effective special effects, but much less spectacular in the rest

The film was directed by Onar film along with "Demir yumruk: Devlen geliyor" released on DVD. It gets pretty solid offer VHS quality. What is better is because not everything anyway. In the sense that now.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Wont My Pokemon Rom Work

iron fist: Hot Girls in the camp, the Giants coming

Fumancu want to travel by means of a uranium deposit the Weltherraschaft in itself, it only lacks a mysterious dagger. A professor knows the hideout of the dagger, but refuses to admit himself to stay low under torture point. Shortly before his death, he manages to hide his son's delay. This plan is now haunted by fumanchu, but also Zagof, another gangster who is after the uranium. Support he receives from the police Enver, who has been assigned to the case and his fiancee Enver, who crept in as a secretary in Zagofs band ...

Another somewhat obscure superhero film from Turkey. Besides Fumancu, which is shown here as a transvestite in a wheelchair and Zagof, a bald head with a large scar on his face appeared after half a masked avenger with Supermanemblem on Batman logo on the chest and the belt. Super Batman, so to speak. As if that was not enough comic has a band used by Zagofs two hoes instead of a hand and Zagof even a special glove were built into the guns. And then there's a handful of bikini babes, but are really just beautiful in the area around the main task auszuschauen just beautiful.
Throughout the film, best viewed as Mindless Fun, the content, there are some plot holes that you could not even fill up with all the uranium from the ominous source. Who exactly works Enver remains in the dark just like the sudden appearance of Super Batman.

director Tunç Basaran is also the first Tarkanfilm and the somewhat infamous "Aysecik ve sihirli cüceler rüyalar ülkesinde" shot. Last is a remake of the Wizard of Oz with a few new wild ideas.

The film was released together with Supermen Dönüyor from Onar Films on DVD. Image and sound quality are relatively good.