Below you will read an appropriate poem to the current (04/2011) SPIEGEL-called "burnout - that overextended ego:
Cold withdrawal from the strongest of all drug
overwhelmed by thoughts poisoned and cheated
doubt about doubt about doubt about doubt
Fluorescent yellow light just a little bit makes light
diseases and Wehwechen cover pain
which there are very centrally in the heart
apathy in all areas
Because all any of the seven sins same
vegetating away and sprinkle can
are still not regarded as a right way
"Hell is other people!"
as they move through life
The so-called members of the crown of God's creation
Whether with or without a link, it offers only exhaustion
life, striving, fighting and lose
the dying, loving, secure and Riskier'n
The anger and hatred, the feelings that are large
The death instinct, Satan, while most famously
Who is the question?
answers without meaning.
letter out of desperation:
I'm just who I am.
You are each other who you are.
We are just who we are.
overwhelmed by thoughts poisoned and cheated
doubt about doubt about doubt about doubt
Fluorescent yellow light just a little bit makes light
diseases and Wehwechen cover pain
which there are very centrally in the heart
apathy in all areas
Because all any of the seven sins same
vegetating away and sprinkle can
are still not regarded as a right way
"Hell is other people!"
as they move through life
The so-called members of the crown of God's creation
Whether with or without a link, it offers only exhaustion
life, striving, fighting and lose
the dying, loving, secure and Riskier'n
The anger and hatred, the feelings that are large
The death instinct, Satan, while most famously
Who is the question?
answers without meaning.
letter out of desperation:
I'm just who I am.
You are each other who you are.
We are just who we are.
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