Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cool Things To Write In A Guestbook

Aska susayanlar

Aska susayanlar seks ve cinayet

Turkey 1972 Director: Mehmet Aslan
Starring: Kadir Inanir, Yildirim Gencer Meral Zeren

Ein Mann im schwarzen Trenchcoat, schwarzem Hut, schwarzer Sonnenbrille und einer Narbe im Gesicht tötet Frauen mit einem Rasiermesser. Mine, die mit ihrem Mann Metin in einer eher lieblosen Ehe liebt, sieht sich selbst durch Telefonanrufe und Blumengeschenke von einem mysteriösen Mann bedroht. Durch ihre Freundin Oya lernt sie auf einer Party Yilmaz kennen und verliebt sich in ihn. Als die beiden sich näherkommen wird Mine erpresst...

„Aska susayanlar seks ve cinaye“ ist ein Rip-Off von Sergio Martinos "The Strange Vice of Mrs.Wardh". Das geht mitunter soweit, dass Szenen 1:1 kopiert wurden. Der Film kann dem Original course in any way the water-rich, but everything seems too cheap and sloppy. In just under 60 minutes you get even a bit of sex and violence offered, but something like suspense will not be adjusted easily. Primarily for the more than bumpy section is responsible. Characters are introduced correctly, scene transitions are abrupt and much more than you have to piece together as an afterthought. It is as much an advantage if you know the original film. A medium-heavy disaster is the background music. The music was completely taken over from other films, it has also contributed a little Ennio Morricone unfreiweilig parts of the soundtrack. In some cases, two pieces of music superimposed which sounds absolutely terrible and in some places the music ends suddenly, only to a few seconds later just as suddenly be reinstated.
What remains are a few bloody murder scenes, because fortunately, many of the ladies, which lies in wait for the killer, naked or half naked. Sometimes there are really absurd scenes to drag at a party two women another reason to start his clothes and then a wild catfight.
The film itself degenerates thus a quite strange. Anyone who feels entertained by such things may well take a look, maybe the rest should remain in Mrs. Wardh.

Incidentally, this is not the only Turkish remake of "The Strange Vice of Mrs.Wardh. 1980 "Çirpinis published and goes on a similar track, with a much greater emphasis was placed on the sex scenes.

The film was released together with Ölüler konusmaz ki from Onar Films on DVD.


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