Here I refer to a review of the Düsseldorf initiative "Right to the City" on "Euro Vision Song Contest and gentrification in Dusseldorf" instead
Social Dusseldorf Euro Vision Song Contest will
Today it starts: The medially directed ESC fever that infected for hope of a city tour and Mayor Elbers soon the whole town together with its inhabitants. But one thing is clear: We and many others inside düsseldorfer are immune, we do not keep up. For us, ESC - ESCAPE! ESC the Hype!
What have we Düsseldorf city from the ESC, which have not a hotel, restaurant or taxi?
The ESC is a great opportunity for the city to showcase itself internationally. This is good for the economy. It's in the paper. But what is presented here and who benefits?
Most düsseldorfer sure nothing inside. The Song Contest is funded by public money subsidizes the hoteliers and restaurant owners, but not the people who have always been little. And if the short event hysteria has abated, we still live here. In a city where rents are already among the highest nationwide - and growing. And in the future is threatening massive housing shortage. But instead of affordable housing policy promotes the sale of their land and buildings to investors who build more luxury homes. The gentrification in the districts will be forced and the expulsion of financially weak düsseldorfer in to the redevelopment of the city is politically desirable. Even more than 700,000 sqm of office vacancy, while a further depreciation provided for glass office palaces are authorized to speak for themselves.
The city cleans out the - But what's behind the facade?
This is based on a system: Our city is regarded as a brand, applying it must be shed as a company that profits need. In the battle for most investors and the wealthiest residents lose those who can afford all this or not do. And all who take their right to town anyway and it upset the urban consumer paradise, distributed increasingly and systematically monitored and harassed. Public places where you can, without having to spend money to stop, are decimated further and further, regulated and privatized.
Und immer mehr schaffen es überhaupt nicht mehr bis in die Innenstadt: Sie verlieren durch die immensen Kosten für Miete und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel oder durch den Absturz in Hartz 4 den Anschluß an das kulturelle und soziale Leben der Stadt. Während für ESC, Wehrhahnlinie, Kö-Bogen u.a. Unsummen verbraten werden, steht z.B. die Finanzierung eines Sozialtickets immer noch in den Sternen. Aber zum Glück wird der ESC ja auch im Fernsehen übertragen.
Uns verwundert nicht, dass Düsseldorf sich bei der Bewerbung um den ESC durchgesetzt hat. Geld, Wirtschaftlichkeit oder demokratische Verfahrensweisen spielen für die Stadtpolitik, wenn es um Prestige geht, keine Rolle. Da werden vom OB independently ever million promised confidentiality agreements signed with the NDR, kept secret the true costs or small expected, invented a fictitious advertising value or constructed for 3 Fortuna games a disposable stadium for 20,000 spectators.
If today the media inflated and the city supposedly quite Dusseldorf forced to ESC is fever, then we know that is not true. For many of Düsseldorf's problems other than an interest for song contest and legitimate criticism of this urban gentrification, urban competition, privatization and insecurity. That is why we say:
Escape the Hype! A social Dusseldorf for all instead of prestige projects and trend events!
affordable housing and livable neighborhood instead of office vacancy and gentrification!
Dusseldorf: 0 points!
Social Dusseldorf Euro Vision Song Contest will
Today it starts: The medially directed ESC fever that infected for hope of a city tour and Mayor Elbers soon the whole town together with its inhabitants. But one thing is clear: We and many others inside düsseldorfer are immune, we do not keep up. For us, ESC - ESCAPE! ESC the Hype!
What have we Düsseldorf city from the ESC, which have not a hotel, restaurant or taxi?
The ESC is a great opportunity for the city to showcase itself internationally. This is good for the economy. It's in the paper. But what is presented here and who benefits?
Most düsseldorfer sure nothing inside. The Song Contest is funded by public money subsidizes the hoteliers and restaurant owners, but not the people who have always been little. And if the short event hysteria has abated, we still live here. In a city where rents are already among the highest nationwide - and growing. And in the future is threatening massive housing shortage. But instead of affordable housing policy promotes the sale of their land and buildings to investors who build more luxury homes. The gentrification in the districts will be forced and the expulsion of financially weak düsseldorfer in to the redevelopment of the city is politically desirable. Even more than 700,000 sqm of office vacancy, while a further depreciation provided for glass office palaces are authorized to speak for themselves.
The city cleans out the - But what's behind the facade?
This is based on a system: Our city is regarded as a brand, applying it must be shed as a company that profits need. In the battle for most investors and the wealthiest residents lose those who can afford all this or not do. And all who take their right to town anyway and it upset the urban consumer paradise, distributed increasingly and systematically monitored and harassed. Public places where you can, without having to spend money to stop, are decimated further and further, regulated and privatized.
Und immer mehr schaffen es überhaupt nicht mehr bis in die Innenstadt: Sie verlieren durch die immensen Kosten für Miete und öffentliche Verkehrsmittel oder durch den Absturz in Hartz 4 den Anschluß an das kulturelle und soziale Leben der Stadt. Während für ESC, Wehrhahnlinie, Kö-Bogen u.a. Unsummen verbraten werden, steht z.B. die Finanzierung eines Sozialtickets immer noch in den Sternen. Aber zum Glück wird der ESC ja auch im Fernsehen übertragen.
Uns verwundert nicht, dass Düsseldorf sich bei der Bewerbung um den ESC durchgesetzt hat. Geld, Wirtschaftlichkeit oder demokratische Verfahrensweisen spielen für die Stadtpolitik, wenn es um Prestige geht, keine Rolle. Da werden vom OB independently ever million promised confidentiality agreements signed with the NDR, kept secret the true costs or small expected, invented a fictitious advertising value or constructed for 3 Fortuna games a disposable stadium for 20,000 spectators.
If today the media inflated and the city supposedly quite Dusseldorf forced to ESC is fever, then we know that is not true. For many of Düsseldorf's problems other than an interest for song contest and legitimate criticism of this urban gentrification, urban competition, privatization and insecurity. That is why we say:
Escape the Hype! A social Dusseldorf for all instead of prestige projects and trend events!
affordable housing and livable neighborhood instead of office vacancy and gentrification!
Dusseldorf: 0 points!
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